Stacey, thanks for ruining the was pretty descent for about 2 and one half years...then you showed up...
Oh... Boo-Hoo...
First of all it is only "ruined" because you say it is.
So, stop all the whinning, and feeling sorry for yourself.
Second, I actually brought up a legitimate problem that
I and others have with your tree. I then discussed what might
be the root of the problem and even how one might resolve the problem.
Now you might not agree with me, or even think there is a problem,
and that is fine...It is your tree and everyone has different views of
what looks good, and what does not. We are not all going to like the
same thing... I get it... Then say that is not what I want to do, or see
in the tree.
And lastly, if I "miss-read" as Rob says I did, your response to Dario,
as something more than it was, then I am sorry, and I do then appologize
for it...
rather than you respond in a professional way and say, that I miss-read
what you intentions were, and that you didn't mean any insult by it...
What did you choose to do ???
I'll refresh your memory, you called me a pompous arguementative ass.
Making your post much more than just a Bonsai Discussion...
So, you see...
If anyone supposedly ruined your thread, it would be you...
Cheer up though... I don't think it is ruined.