The top (branches) is not matching the gnarly bottom. Branches are too straight looks like reaching with a goal of creating a nice silhouette...not a great bonsai. In general the top looks like a healthy regular "Christmas" tree while the bottom is like a battered by elements tree...2 trees grown from 2 different locations put together. Sorry.
You're right in that this isn't a great is a good bonsai in the making, imo. This tree just had a new design implemented less then one year ago, so way too early to say the attempt fell short. The branches are wired the way they are because they are "reaching"...for the sun. I'm trying to pump the foliage up and develop back budding, and that will only happen if the foliage gets a certain amount of sunlight. The canopy needs to fill in and, eventually, will become an accessory to the focal feature of this tree, which is, of course, the fat weathered deadwood trunk and base. I'm years away from finishing this tree, but that's cool. Others might want a "great bonsai" sooner...they should start with different material, I guess.
This is rediculous...
I don't think this has anything to do with "wanting a bonsai sooner"...
Dario's points are well stated and I was about to post the same
thing, until I read his post.
You have a trunk that doesn't match the rest of the tree...
Sorry, doesn't work for me either... if you want an "Attaboy" you've got it.
But, if you want to take it to the next level, I think the tree's
story needs to be figured out.
Either the trunk's dead wood appearance needs to be softened
to match the "fruitfull and abundant" appearance of the foilage
and the beautiful branch structure...
Or, the opposite needs to happen and the branches need much
more movement and the same feeling of pain, that the trunk
has had to endure...
Next time I post a tree feel free to rip into me if you want,
but, there was a very valid point that was made, and some very good
"constructive" criticism was given... and sadly it was just being snubbed,
for some rediculous reason...
Sorry, I am just keeping it real...