When Mirai posted footage originally many years ago (I saw it on facebook) they dramatized and made public what was a very private personal matter. People speculated why would something so terrible and random happen to a secluded bonsai nursery, what random crazy person would do this? A lot of people, myself included, felt a lot of sympathy for Mirai.
Imo I find it in poor taste because they sensationalized what I felt should have been kept a private matter. Yes it was awful, but why didn’t they say Chelsea did it from the start If they were going to go public with it at all? I mention not having seen the documentary because I don’t know if they do mention it was she who did it in the movie, or still painting it as a random incident. As people have said, no one knows their personal stories, but if she built up Mirai with Ryan as a business partner I don’t see how she was entitled to none of it. That makes no sense to me at all. Oregon is not a 50/50 state as well, basically if the couple can’t agree amicably on how to split assets, whoever has the better lawyer wins. As for her mental health issues, I hope she got the help she needed.
I agree with
@Hartinez , the victim here was their son.