Mame contest idea

Hmmm at the potting should be fine i guess

Seems if the END of the contest is supposed to be a Mame...

Should be only required at the end?

Seems to make more sense....
I don't care either way...

But for options to ensure health, I like the end.


P.s. I think the rules set in the stone post can be followed with this going either it doesn't matter.

So no one can get mad...just stick to the posted rules....if it doesn't specify, it doesn't matter. IMO
Seriously, I better get prepared for summer before it comes or there will be no mame. Will probably use either a plastic oil collecting container or a mortar mixing tub. Fill with pumice and dress with vermiculite. I think it might work out to keep the little stuff moist. Not to mention all my little stuff together in one place.
Im thinking of using this lill juniper squamata an airlayer from a japanese quince and something else View attachment 146947

You might wanna wait buying all sorts of stuff, I've got some material over here that's usable and I'm not entering soooooo.... you can have some if you like
Nice !
Yeah im only looking atm and this was standing somewhere on the benches lol
Ill check with my wife if saturday or sunday is a go :)
I visited the thread of the contest
I suppose that obviously "entry's" should be replaced by "entries" shouldn't it? (Plural nominative not singular genitive)

Then there is the first participant who shows the photograph of a Creeping fig which is already into a bonsai pot.
I need some clarification, is this plant eligible? I mean it is already into a bonsai pot, or I have not understand correctly the terms...?
I visited the thread of the contest
I suppose that obviously "entry's" should be replaced by "entries" shouldn't it? (Plural nominative not singular genitive)

Then there is the first participant who shows the photograph of a Creeping fig which is already into a bonsai pot.
I need some clarification, is this plant eligible? I mean it is already into a bonsai pot, or I have not understand correctly the terms...?

I wouldn't go down the rabbit hole of grammar, there are worse offenders out there.

Also, is there harm if I accelerate my own timeline? The F. pumila is a pencil thin stump from a home improvement store with no branches and hardly any roots.
I visited the thread of the contest
I suppose that obviously "entry's" should be replaced by "entries" shouldn't it? (Plural nominative not singular genitive)

Then there is the first participant who shows the photograph of a Creeping fig which is already into a bonsai pot.
I need some clarification, is this plant eligible? I mean it is already into a bonsai pot, or I have not understand correctly the terms...?
Missed the tree and post all a bonsai pot? Sounds like it might possibly already be a Mame already which the rules clearly say it can't be? We are to develop them into such...was my understanding. Which is why even while NOT in a bonsai pot I chose to not put my Goji in the contest. The tree's sort of a Mame undeveloped...I wish to be fare for all who enter...that they don't see my material ahead of the game at the gate. I just picked up this material before it came out of dormancy. So it's not been has a straggler in the pot as another cutting was grown in the pot along with it.

@defra ...did you see the tree in question that is being mentioned? I didn't see it. Must be a person on my ignore. Don't care to look...won't get my vote anyways.

Dormant stick of a tree...that we did discuss my stating unfare material to use. This is raw material to start...right?

Photo today...I've not so much as put a wire on it. Growing like a mad weed. The pot dries to quickly in full sun. So it gets morning...and the leaves are bigger because of it. It needs repotted next spring. Hoping better soil will allow it not to dry out. But thinking it's the small pot issue because it's in good bonsai soil. Added some moss to help with moisture level. This I feel is not fare material...and it's not even in a pot. But it IS a Mame on the way. To my understanding...does not qualify for the contest.
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I wouldn't go down the rabbit hole of grammar, there are worse offenders out there.
My comment has nothing to do with you. It is addressed to @defra in order for her/him to edit her/his title and correct it, IF interested!
Also, is there harm if I accelerate my own timeline? The F. pumila is a pencil thin stump from a home improvement store with no branches and hardly any roots.
The purpose of my question is for me to understand well the terms of the contest. So, I need a clarification from @defra 's part.
I visited the thread of the contest
I suppose that obviously "entry's" should be replaced by "entries" shouldn't it? (Plural nominative not singular genitive)

Then there is the first participant who shows the photograph of a Creeping fig which is already into a bonsai pot.
I need some clarification, is this plant eligible? I mean it is already into a bonsai pot, or I have not understand correctly the terms...?

...already in bonsai pot, good point Alexandra. That pot is not a mame pot, it will need a transplanting to a proper pot. Many of us grow trees only in pots, plastic, terracotta...seedlings, cuttings...these shouln't be disqualified I think.
I think present date photos should be shared for contest as well. Especially if one has shared a photo previously awhile back. (Which I'm told by a member this was the case for the tree being mentioned for the contest.) So we can judge the growth of the tree and current stage it's in. No? @defra an old photo can be posted if a current one is along with it. contests in the past...a most recent photo was required.
...already in bonsai pot, good point Alexandra. That pot is not a mame pot, it will need a transplanting to a proper pot. Many of us grow trees only in pots, plastic, terracotta...seedlings, cuttings...these shouln't be disqualified I think. it's over potted...for allowing ramification. That's different...but I do believe a current present photo should still apply not one shared as I was told...from a post weeks ago. Just for ones to see the tree as is prior to starting the contest. After photo of dormancy to current happened over night. A current photo with new foliage should be shared. That has always been a rule of thumb...
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