Mame contest idea

Well I'm happy with whatever, 5 inch max seems good to me as I have some pots already a bit smaller than that but you are the boss man.
Just seeking clarification was all.
Make it Sorce stated. Simple rules...I think though it should be material that hasn't had years under its belt trained. But...decent material ones can get their hands on.

This thread of the contest...was all I needed to go with a Mame tree thought process I was considering...then scratched off my list. For my desire to keep my collection in check. wasn't overly hard to convince me to go buy something.
So max pot length 12.7 cm, I thought mame pots were smaller than that.
4.5 inches equals 11.43 cm according to google.

Love those trees Al. Nice collection.
Here is a great website for inspiration. You can put into Google translate but the pictures tell most of the story.

Bon Fool Rubra's bonsai debauchery
(Title from Google translate, probably the best name for a bonsai blog ever!)

Thanks to whoever linked to this website first. It was someone here I'm just not sure who.
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I have bought one species for my material...that is not very common but IS done for bonsai. Finding lack of inspirational photos a let down. Can handle repot into a tiny pot...check! Grows like a weed...check. (Invasive as well.) So I'm assuming we will share photos on another thread for those who are "in" the contest.
I had two perfect little contenders for this but they suffered in my over ferting accident. They look dead but still past the scratch test after at least a month or so.
I'm hoping to see a bit of life come into them soon, if so I will use them. I think they may benefit from a cut back to speed it along but might be best to just leave them, at least we have to August by then I should know if they live or not.

Also wonder if 3 years is enough time to develop one from seed.
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