If I plan on doing a forest with the trees, how should I go about repotting?
That's a tuff one! Catch 22 huh?
I was going to buy the trees for one myself If I found em this year, still never thought about it for mine!
I would probly start by leaving them full and whacking the roots to fit into individual shallow basket, half a pond basket or less. Maybe a couple pairs or 3fers.
Maybe situating the 2 main trees together.
Allow them to recover in the baskets and grow a nice compact shallow rootmass.
Then assemble the forest in 2-3 years.
Lotta "it depends" will go into the building them, since what we know (read, take pics and write Down) about the roots will help determine positions and such.
For example, trees with more roots on the right will go on the left.
But we also have to be concerned with branching.
One very important thing. We haven't gotten over our impatience with forests. The seedlings mashed together and called forest in so many "workshops" poison our mindsets. Funny cuz we preach go slow, and slap together the shittiest forests like, "look ma, trees!"
It's quite ridiculous.
You either have to not think at all, which involves my trick of tossing change into a pot and placing the trees where the coins lay.
Or actually taking more than a day to put one together. Actually putting some thought into the design of one.
Walter Pall has well thought out forests, or not, but they are nice!