I'm not starting a thread for this till it gets better established in something smaller. (Superstition)
I dug down to see the roots and found a squatting dog thing.
I figured the only way to possibly make this believeable is to make that undercut ball of wood to hang out of a "rock pocket ", as if the return to root traffic was interupted, creating the ball.
Trying to seperate these roots a bit to grasp what will be the soil further up the cliff.
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Reverse taper, thick spots.
Branches cause it...yes...
But on these younger nursery joints....
When the "trunks" we will use are young and with needles still...
Pay attention straight away to removing the needles from those trunks.
I'm noticing even where there are tiny buds only,
The needles on the old wood cause it to thicken in particular spots as much, or more! Than branches....
So from now on...
When I first grab one.
Clean up will include high attention to the amount of needles left on what will be my trunks.
We can utilize them to fix, tame or create reverse taper.
But only early when they are still there!
I could have fixed a problem on one of mine a long time ago had I realized this then.
Still studying.