Spuds Moyogi
Sloe is plum. There are many wild plum species here in N America They just haven’t been “discovered” for bonsai or have pretty pics in bonsai books. 
You just have to look. They are vigorous growers and not hard to collect. I dug an old one out of a field in Texas and made the mistake of leaving it in the yard. The bucket had a hole in the bottom. The tree not only filled the soil in the bucket with roots in a year but began colonizing the backyard with sprouts from the escaped roots that pushed through the hole in the bucket
Black cherry is also an equivalent to sloe in character and can develop really gnarly and thick plated bark. They take to containers pretty well.
Any European species can be matched and surpassed by species in North America. We have some of the most biodiverse forests on the planet not to mention more land mass and climate zones.
The grass isn’t Always greener.

You just have to look. They are vigorous growers and not hard to collect. I dug an old one out of a field in Texas and made the mistake of leaving it in the yard. The bucket had a hole in the bottom. The tree not only filled the soil in the bucket with roots in a year but began colonizing the backyard with sprouts from the escaped roots that pushed through the hole in the bucket
Black cherry is also an equivalent to sloe in character and can develop really gnarly and thick plated bark. They take to containers pretty well.
Any European species can be matched and surpassed by species in North America. We have some of the most biodiverse forests on the planet not to mention more land mass and climate zones.
The grass isn’t Always greener.