I'mma Make 'Im: HorseloverFat Count Down To 10K!


  • 1. the hard, shiny dark brown nut of a horse chestnut tree. British
Not to be confused with the Dutch word:
literal meaning: cancer.
Noun, swear word, description of evil, or "kankeren" as a verb: complaining.

Not to be mistaken for "opkankeren" (GTFO!), "afkankeren" (falling down something, breaking something down), "kankertering" (contraction of tuberculosis - "tering" - and cancer, used to exaggerate swears), or "kankerlijer" (name-calling; cancer sufferer) or "kankerzooi" (a mess, bad situation).
I'm not saying we as a people have milked diseases dry in our language.. But we kind of did just that. Be careful throwing these phrases around in public though. Fists might fly if you do.
I just have to point out, though, that you do seem a little fixated on your conkers.
I'm sure Freud would have something to say about that.
Freud LOVES conkers!!

....I wonder If Jungian theory deems "testes" an archetype.

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