From Seed Division: HorseloverFat’s Contest Seedwork

Parkinsonia update....

They went out too early, it seems, but held up against some 40-45s... (up here, our mornings are STILL, sometimes 45-50. ;)

They got stressed, blew SOME foliage... A8E448AD-FDE3-4979-ABB4-80CD1DBB7870.jpeg3C6FC5D9-88D0-4D42-A35B-9D65277DA9C3.jpegE3C79B66-0DF7-4551-B0F4-02EBC6BCFFE4.jpeg

They recovered (Pictures are OF recovery 🤪) in “half-sun” (about 2.75-3.3 hours of direct) and Then about a week ago went back into full sun...

They are loving it! (well... as much as they could ever love Wisconsin)8A0CC734-F725-4F55-9480-BCD1A0966D1A.jpeg
@Leo in N E Illinois ;)
Here are some shots of some seedlings from mid-fall, half-matured(some seemingly cross) samara hunting AND the ones that survived “selection” from my late winter “helicopter raids”

All Acer... MOSTLY Rubrum.. but Platenoides and Silver maple in there, too... these are the diluted version.. after selection... i observed 400-500 seedlings in the start. (My “Sorce-icopter” I took from his yard is in there, too)
These pictures where like a week ago.
Above is a clump found growing in a gutter.. suspended by a drain grate, fed by the rains, aggregated by the sewer system, utilizing HUNDREDS of their fallen comrades corpses for substrate.83640C14-8794-415B-8328-2D29D7BB7D2F.jpeg
Tell me more about the screen training. Did I miss it earlier in the thread?
I heard it from reading @Smoke ’s blog and posts.. let me quick try to find the blog entries

Here’s ONE..

Cool. Do the seedlings grow through the screen? Or they hit the screen like a ceiling and change direction due to that?
Cool. Do the seedlings grow through the screen? Or they hit the screen like a ceiling and change direction due to that?
They hit the screen flat.. and the changes and bends work (seemingly, but not really) backward down the stem. It’s cool to watch..

He also does little mesh “cages”, and the young branches swirl around inside... super cool!

There IS pictures of screen training throughout this thread.. including a bunch of Apple and CherryPlum seedlings that I WAS quite fond of! 🤣 but there is a more recent picture on THIS page or the last.
Here’s my favorite platenoides seedling. the color on the foliage is RIDICULOUS.. also it’s leaves, before the set I am about to discuss, have retained a pleasing more-triangular leaf shape than all other platenoides I have observed.

But this new leaf-set .. is inward curling... which at first, I was suspicious of.. but.. upon examination, besides the inward curl.. the foliage is completely healthy and pest-free.

It could be “stunting” stress, considering it’s life in a plug... either way... kind of neat, and was my favorite platenoides BEFORE this interesting phenomenon.
Aaaaand just for OL (Original Leo), a shot of the Parkinsonia.
So... after my selection process...

These are my Rubrums (and I believe a few Silver/Red crosses) that survived selection... my ONLY criteria this first year is internode size.. with a slight tendency toward leaf size...90A6C6E6-2E26-4C98-B27E-11BA113EBD3F.jpeg23F4DE24-1B74-40B4-982B-650623D0FF42.jpegA5EE78B5-C1FC-43F7-974C-91CC977D206A.jpegF5C84C95-5DA9-4CF8-AF10-B8BC075B3862.jpegD36584A5-8CC5-4135-A6EF-3F9E141C6826.jpegA5A7A823-CD0C-4DA0-8317-5A89D73467FC.jpegF5DB1C07-A4BF-4234-8965-E58D51F0E4FA.jpeg
Not too bad... I planted/collected MAAANY....

And MOOOOST of them... look/looked like this!
Information... for genetic research purposes on North American Native/Naturalized Species for Tiny Tree Purposes..

300-400 Acer Seedlings (Mostly Rubrum but a few Silvers, and some possibly crosses... but MOSTLY rubrum) were collected from mid-spring greenseed windfall from the same city block area from gutters after a thunderstorm.

Within two months, the leggy and underperforming were culled.. leaving me with around 100..

So OUT of those, 300-400... 70-80 percent were the expected, long internodes, large variable leaf sizes, very apically dominant.. yadda yadda yadda..

I was left with 13 medium-small internoded, consistently smaller-leaved Specimens..and

About 6 medium-internoded that I still considered “worthy”...

Buuut there are 5-6... that are absolutely “teeny”.. but healthy.


So when, in the future, I refer to certain trees as “Rubrum ‘selects’”... THIS is what I’m talking about..

(I’ll post pictures next time I am out there :) )
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