How would one go about buying one of these dictionaries now?Some plants sown in 2022 and 2023 that I moved indoors are starting to flower.
This is a Hanatsuzuri x Mary Lou Dority seedling:
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The goal of this cross was to get a darker blotch on a white variegated flower. Ideally with both shades of yellowish-green and whatever actual colour the flower has.
For this seedling, that seems to work so far. So it will be interesting to see the siblings and find the best form.
Not sure if it darker than Hanatsuzuri. But it shows that it is rather easy to get something similar to Hanatsuzuri.
Not all Hanatsuzuri seedlings have this strong of a blotch. But out of 2 seedlings from this cross with Mary Lou Dority, which has Girard's Funchsia as a parent (a zone 5 evergreen azalea), I already have this white variegated seedling with a strong large blotch. Even if all other Hanatsuzuri seedling that I expect to flower will be bad, I think I can try to move forward crossing this seedling with this one
Glaucus Satsuki Azalea farm
Thanks. I might have some more 'Hilda Niblett' seedlings outside. But I have at least one new one crossed with 'Hanatsuzuri'. It is a superior landscape outdoor garden shrub to most Japanese satsuki I have, in my climate. So definitely worth growing if you are into large azalea flowers
In other news, Tochinoha Shobo in Japan went bankrupt. This is a publishing company behind the monthly satsuki magazines, as well as the satsuki dictionary.
This is a big deal for satsuki in Japan, because the magazine gives people a platform to get their club to win awards in satsuki shows.
Of course, no new satsuki dictionary will also hurt the creation of new satsuki varieties as getting a spot in the new dictionary is a good promotion tool and drives interest.
Source for this is Mack (Masayasu Nishiyama).
Unless someone picks up the ball, this means the 2020 dictionary is the last one. These might get really rare eventually.
Bonsaitonight.comHow would one go about buying one of these dictionaries now?
Have you ever heard of WH Hardijzer? I think he was also from the Netherlands. He created some azaleadendron crosses using evergreen azaleas and the small-leafed/lepidote rhododendrons, such as "Hardijzer Beauty". I think most other successful azaleadendrons have been crosses between the big-leaf/elepidote rhododendrons and deciduous azaleas, so it's very interesting that you were able to get some viable seedlings from this combination.So I did a tiny experiment with different growth media. I put different media in hydroponics baskets and put them in a tray with RO water with the exact right fertilizer solution for rhododendron.
Then I put on the cover.
The results were quite surprising.
September 21st:
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Then putting in the seedlings that germinated on sphagnum.
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Now today, they look like this. I need to reapply hydroponics medium, but they were still all moist.
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Those in peat and other potting soils look amazing. But those in sand, in lava, in vermiculite, in perlite, in kanuma, in rock wool, all no growth. All have reddish leaves.
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Kanuma (and rock wool bottom right)
It seems that the substrate ones needed way more fertilizer than 0.6EC.
Even the ones in pine bark and sphagnum did way way better.
In fact, it seems the one with my standard medium, which works great (peat, perlite, some pine bark) did worse than pure peat and pure potting soil.
Of course this is for tiny seedlings with added hydroponics fertilizer medium.
Another experiment is my deciduous azalea crossed with satsuki. This is something people have attempted for a long time, with basically quite poor results. One reasons why this is tried is to get yellow and orange as a colour for evergreen azalea flowers.
I used the deciduous azalea 'Washington State Centennial'. which has some bright yellow and is tetraploid:
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For two flowers on this plant, I cut away the petals before opening, then applied a thick layer of satsuki 'Koyo' (also a tetraploid) pollen each day.
The result were two sizable seed pods.
For comparison, I saw a seed pod develop on the other flowers, presumably self-pollinated. So I kept that one as reference.
The open pollinated deciduous azalea seeds were sown 2 weeks earlier than the decidious x satsuki cross.
The pure deciduous seedlings now look like this:
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For reference, this tray next to one with evergreen azaleas:
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It seems deciduous azalea seeds are very easy to grow. But you can see their more hairy leaves and they have this fleshy feel to the.
The seedlings are also all very healthy, tray is filled out, no weak growers, no issues.
Germination back in November was very even:
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And then for the deciduous x satsuki hybrid seedlings, germination was much lower. And most seedlings are sickly:
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Back in November, they looked like this
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Many have albino traits, or have chimeric/mosaic traits.
View attachment 526321
This is in agreement with the literature. And this is why tetraploids are used, to give the seedlings a double set of genetic material from both the deciduous lineage as well as the evergreen lineage, to overcome incompatibilities.
The stark difference between these two rays must mean that the second tray is indeed the result of satsuki pollen. Besides being sickly, these seedlings look like deciduous seedlings.
But some seem to be doing okish now, meaning that they may survive and manage. Only time will tell. So far it seems that adding satsuki evergreen azalea pollen will result in sickly plants that otherwise have mostly deciduous traits.
They might also be genetic dead ends in being infertile themselves.
Yup indeed. I have never seen this azaleadendron in person, though. And yes people have also explored R.keiskei as well as R.flavidum as a source of yellow pigments.Have you ever heard of WH Hardijzer? I think he was also from the Netherlands. He created some azaleadendron crosses using evergreen azaleas and the small-leafed/lepidote rhododendrons, such as "Hardijzer Beauty". I think most other successful azaleadendrons have been crosses between the big-leaf/elepidote rhododendrons and deciduous azaleas, so it's very interesting that you were able to get some viable seedlings from this combination.
Edit: there are some yellow lepidote rhodo species such as keiskei - have you ever tried using them in a breeding program? Not a very intense yellow compared to a deciduous azalea though.
How would one go about buying one of these dictionaries now?