Satsuki Azalea

Plenty of rain in Sarasota. Rainwater is slightly acidic. It would be best as both folks above recommended.

Bottled water, besides being expensive and a whole lot of plastic waste, the water source would need to be checked ahead of time for pH and if choline or chloramine was added.

DSD sends
Any bottled water that is purified is not good. DEER PARK is a spring water and a neutral PH.

That said...I'm a PH 7...with hard water. I water from my well and have had no issues with my satsuki azalea.
Thank you.
Quite welcome. The bottled water... was actually a topic from a friend. Who had a daughter with dental issues drinking Dasani purified water. I knew Deer Park was a good brand. I googled it years I prefer grabbing a bottle of water to take outside. I have offered leftover water to my indoor plants inside with no qualms. But... purified water can cause nutrient lock in plants. From what I've read.
Looks like one of those southern cultivars. @Glaucus any thoughts?

The pot is fine for now. A touch biggish, but not terribly so at this stage. Being a novice at bonsai, your first goal should be to keep the tree alive this year. Wait until the media is just about dry, then water thoroughly. Fertilize with a product that has micronutrients like Osmocote Plus, about 1/3 what the label says about every 8 weeks to start with. Don’t fertilize a month before blooming until the bloom is complete.

When this Satsuki is blooming, please repost a couple good images of the tree and the flowers and we’ll help walk your though how to after flower prune. Next winter, if the azalea is robust and healthy, post again and we can talk about next steps if your really want to style as a traditional azalea bonsai. Or just keep it as

btw: There is a whole in lot in what @Cadillactaste mentioned.

Purified water can be a hot topic with purists. For growers the main concern is potential removal of key elements, for example calcium and magnesium… or the alteration of the pH. This can really be a major concern.

But there are other bottled waters that come right from springs with only a first stage filtration completed…. Taking out dirt and macro items. These tend to be labeled spring water.

Then there are other ‘issues’ A few years ago at least one major west coast bottled water company was discovered to have the municipal water system as their main source!

About 15 years ago we were working with the local community to get a new wastewater treatment plant being built to clean the water to a level would be drinkable. A couple of the elders from the Tulalip Tribe attended one of the meetings and mentioned we should be careful not to use a system like RO to clean the water. They had done this one their system and dumped the water in the local streams, only to discover the ‘clean’ water wouldn’t support plants without adding minerals back. The water was too clean! Eventually the plant cleaned the water to agricultural levels vs human drinking levels.

Nutrient lockdown, to my recollection, is caused by too much nutrient buildup causing the pH of your growing environment to change to a point a plant can not accept key nutrients.

DSD sends

@Underdog cool dog and scene! We are presently enjoying Winter Wonderland!
Satsuki Azalea
Yes but there is many varieties. Flower pics may help.
Running out of time then! Here's to us full timers that can take the heat 🤪 Jk we love you snowbirds, i hope to be one someday!
I was down last summer when we got 18" rain in 24hrs. Before the hurricane(s). Coming down here since the 70s. Will be a month plus before we go up there. Repotting season is always tuff cuz I wait too long. April maybe.
Looks like one of those southern cultivars. @Glaucus any thoughts?

The pot is fine for now. A touch biggish, but not terribly so at this stage. Being a novice at bonsai, your first goal should be to keep the tree alive this year. Wait until the media is just about dry, then water thoroughly. Fertilize with a product that has micronutrients like Osmocote Plus, about 1/3 what the label says about every 8 weeks to start with. Don’t fertilize a month before blooming until the bloom is complete.

When this Satsuki is blooming, please repost a couple good images of the tree and the flowers and we’ll help walk your though how to after flower prune. Next winter, if the azalea is robust and healthy, post again and we can talk about next steps if your really want to style as a traditional azalea bonsai. Or just keep it as

btw: There is a whole in lot in what @Cadillactaste mentioned.

Purified water can be a hot topic with purists. For growers the main concern is potential removal of key elements, for example calcium and magnesium… or the alteration of the pH. This can really be a major concern.

But there are other bottled waters that come right from springs with only a first stage filtration completed…. Taking out dirt and macro items. These tend to be labeled spring water.

Then there are other ‘issues’ A few years ago at least one major west coast bottled water company was discovered to have the municipal water system as their main source!

About 15 years ago we were working with the local community to get a new wastewater treatment plant being built to clean the water to a level would be drinkable. A couple of the elders from the Tulalip Tribe attended one of the meetings and mentioned we should be careful not to use a system like RO to clean the water. They had done this one their system and dumped the water in the local streams, only to discover the ‘clean’ water wouldn’t support plants without adding minerals back. The water was too clean! Eventually the plant cleaned the water to agricultural levels vs human drinking levels.

Nutrient lockdown, to my recollection, is caused by too much nutrient buildup causing the pH of your growing environment to change to a point a plant can not accept key nutrients.

DSD sends

@Underdog cool dog and scene! We are presently enjoying Winter Wonderland!
Thank you for the great info. I appreciate it. 😊 I will do updates.
The most critical care item other than timely watering is repotting often, like every 18 months, assuming one uses something other than 100% Kanuma. When the soil ages, the problem is the organics get used up, the root mass dominates, not enough moisture is retained in the container, the salts accumulate, etc. I use a soil balanced towards acid so I don't have to chase the water pH issue. Of course your unique climate situation may be helpful, especially if your azalea has a little Southern Indicas in it.
The most critical care item other than timely watering is repotting often, like every 18 months, assuming one uses something other than 100% Kanuma. When the soil ages, the problem is the organics get used up, the root mass dominates, not enough moisture is retained in the container, the salts accumulate, etc. I use a soil balanced towards acid so I don't have to chase the water pH issue. Of course your unique climate situation may be helpful, especially if your azalea has a little Southern Indicas in it.
Thank you for the info.
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