Gallery of some really crappy trees

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All those in favor of banning this guy say aye.


All those in favor of banning this guy say aye.

On a serious note, whats the over/under on how long it will take for the Bannonation(sp?) to take place? It's been such a long time since we've had a good one, and I've got a ten spot that's just itching to be spent:).

why do that when that is most likely the actual goal .... getting banned is a troll sport ... and possibly the person is not even interested in bonsai (that's my guess actually) its just a forum for them to troll in and they will prolly go away once we all start ignoring them and realize they are most likely just some sad teenager in their bedroom trolling forums they ran into while waiting for the gerbil porn to download....

that or they are simply a pathetic adult who has nothing better to do than act like a teenager....

in either case they prolly oughta head back to 4chan ... get better responses there....
why do that when that is most likely the actual goal .... getting banned is a troll sport ... and possibly the person is not even interested in bonsai (that's my guess actually) its just a forum for them to troll in and they will prolly go away once we all start ignoring them and realize they are most likely just some sad teenager in their bedroom trolling forums they ran into while waiting for the gerbil porn to download....

that or they are simply a pathetic adult who has nothing better to do than act like a teenager....

in either case they prolly oughta head back to 4chan ... get better responses there....

any URL's for this gerbil porn thing? sounds interesting.......
258Troll_spray.jpgReality is probably a height challenged nerd with a Napoleanic complex. Otherwise is probably related to the mosquito, and he is used to being a pest.
good morning everybody!! :yawn: ...i wouldnt know how 7th grade is im not there yet. will be next year though. ive had to repeat each grade a couple of times unfortunately

Awesome!!! ...and thanks for the kids watch that show! Good luck in school...hows 7th grade going anyway?:rolleyes:

ya mystogan is quite formidable. hes my 3rd favorite character. Natsu is first and Gildarts is second.

A little background on Mystogan. Very formidable!
How about some mysto gone.

It's not what grade you are in or achieved, but the ability to learn and comprehend, so you have pretty much made it clear for us, too bad, but you still might be able to get help, and I avidly suggest you get some, somewhere else. How about
This thread has been ruined long time ago, so why even continue it. Funny as some of your response's to this guy might be, its not even worth it.
There are two things to think about here, both of them bad. One he gets banned; I think that's what he wants. Two: he gets this thread closed down, which is what he wants. People like him relish cahos.
Well, if we can get back on topic, the thread will remain open. If we want to wallow in the mire, the thread will be closed :)
Close the thread. I can't imagine it's going anywhere good given the continued shower of whatever it is...
I have another project I was going to post but I guess I can start another thread.
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