Nothing peculiar about it. I didn't say you were attacking anyone and I don't think you usually do. What I was trying to say is that a lot of topics start off innocent enough and then turn into a measuring contest. What I mean is that this isn't necessary because you all have good trees regardless on how they were acquired.
I don't wish to drag an innocent third party into this but one of our members desired to see some of my trees and I told him that I don't post much anymore because of these type of reactions. It seems to me that of all the people who post on this site I am the only one where posting a masterpiece is required. The responses I seem to get from the legendary and legendary wannabees is decent, mediocre, and cheap. It is true I do not buy finished or semi-finished trees. I have no desire to do that.
We all have our own reasons for doing bonsai. Some want to have these fabulous pieces of art, and others like me, get their kicks out of making them. I don't care if it takes me years to get a tree to a point that maybe I could have purchased from someone else at a price. Bonsai is like sex. Foreplay is often more fun than actually experiencing the little death. In the end the tree, good, bad or indifferent, is all my work.
I know there are people who disdain my sources; the nursery trade, but seldom the big box stores just to clarify things, I am not without my standards.
I have also mentioned this before but I will again because I believe it to be true. With a government agency sticking it's nose into everything we do how long do you think it will be before the nursery trade will be the only source for bonsai material? If the government can put thousands of businesses with thousands of workers and their families out of work and livelihood for the sake of some little-bitty fish they considered endangered, how long do you think they will allow collecting from the Mountains and deserts of North America to continue?
From what I understand, purchasing imported trees is becoming even more difficult than before and it never has been a good way to get material. As to pre-bonsai: if you desire to go this rout you have to remember these supposedly designed for bonsai trees have to have an original source somewhere.
So I guess the question here is: Why would you want to pay a bundle of money to someone to do the kind of stuff to a tree that you could do yourself----or in many cases should do, but don't know how? Sure it's quicker and that's OK, go for it. But try not to be critical of me because I chose to take the longer road.