From Seed Division: HorseloverFat’s Contest Seedwork

One of the “Jerusalem Thorn” (Parkinsonia Aculeata) seedlings is growing in almost EXACT “1/3 scale/speed” to the others... Maybe a genetic dwarf? 🤣 (I’m not THAT lucky 🤓)
So this one got some loose, guiding wire to set it on it’s way.7E3D1765-E99A-41B6-8EE5-DE346B0043B4.jpeg
Its difficult to separate "genetic dwarfs" from accidental "less than ideal" horticulture. Looks like your "dwarF" only has one cotyledon, the food storing "seed leaf", if the others had 2, then that gives the others a leg up in the beginning. Time will tell. This seedling may catch up. Or it might not. Time will tell. If it is just a case of a missing cotyledon, down the road, it will catch up to the others.
The other Palo Verde seedlings were jealous and wanted a “photo shoot” 🤓76E839FF-7A22-4BD6-BF8E-B669EBABE790.jpeg4D99FEAE-26E9-46B5-ACBF-CB6A6495562E.jpegF0A92C7C-28F5-4EBA-98AB-D9EF614747BC.jpeg
Also... upon the premature emergence of thorns and seemingly illogical growth rate on one of my “malus trays”.. I decided to start attempting more specific identification.. aaand a good news/bad news situation arose... Bad(ish) news is that one of my trays was all buckthorn (me and the boys collected what we thought were windfall crabs 🤣).. so they are getting treated heavy for their “myriad of typical fungus’” and“two-stepped” into my cold frame.. (real stupid to do these KNOWINGLY from seed) 🤦🏽‍♂️652BE082-A75E-4DE7-BAF6-00F3B36EA2FF.jpegBut the GOOD news is sometimes incorrect identification can work to your benefit... such as.. ONE tray is, also, Cherry Plum Seedlings (windfalls) Here’s a couple. 🤓9431873D-0A1F-4F78-81B0-C0E7F7A4D516.jpegD041878D-1601-4FF6-85F4-62C33F5D94CA.jpeg
Also started my peppers.182DB7F6-9452-43C2-A7FE-5AFCA40D4850.jpeg
Adjustments made to Parkinsonia...

As I had said early to OL, ( @Leo in N E Illinois ) , THIS one, the Aculeata, is surprisingly adaptable to indoor environments... I wonder if the OTHER “Jelly Bean Trees” (nya-ha-ha!) can tolerate these conditions... I am really “falling in love” with this specie.
Also.. I coordinate with a fella from one of the local orchards... I told him about the “buckthorn fiasco”.. to which he started laughing... LOUDLY.... He recommended trying to identify again once they “picked a genetic direction”..

He said, “A lot of culinary APPLES resemble buckthorns for the first few months, and should have NO problem being “stepped” into my coldframe... whereas BUCKTHORNS are a g*dd*amn nuisance and shouldn’t be grown by anyone...

I showed him pictures... he continued to laugh.

Seed of apple and buckthorn are quite different from each other. I don't see how starting from seed you could get them mixed up.

Then I remembered you collected a bunch of first year seedlings. Yes, young buckthorn are pretty generic looking. It is difficult to tell them apart from other, more desirable species.
Seed of apple and buckthorn are quite different from each other. I don't see how starting from seed you could get them mixed up.

Then I remembered you collected a bunch of first year seedlings. Yes, young buckthorn are pretty generic looking. It is difficult to tell them apart from other, more desirable species.
Yeah.. it was apple seeds I collected/sprouted.. I just misidentified them as buckthorn.. That “orchand guy” said that id APPS will almost always ID Young “culinary apples” as Buckthorns 50 percent of the time.. HAHAHA!
...and I hung my head.. happy that I DIDN’T actually have like 16 buckthorn seedlings...buuuut slightly embarassed. 🤪
We have an apple tree and my wife noticed a seed stuck in her shoe. Well it sprouted, and it mine now! It’s about a foot tall already 5A6A96C6-1334-4C33-B200-FC370E2A92FC.jpegE77C9323-7FA7-4446-AC0C-0EEDD8168413.jpeg
Lol. Just been too busy. With work and too many trees. My wife also has like 70 houseplants/cactus/succulent. Helping her keep them alive
It’s actually kind of invigorating being alllmost “overwhelmed” with green-“work”, isn’t it?
And some of the Apples/Crabs/Plums that HAVEN’T been arduously “two-stepped” into a cold-frame environment due to mis-MIS-identification... checking in.47CDC28E-8F32-4B43-A290-FE2837E6770E.jpegD2B7A05E-C028-4FED-B20C-80FF6FF6DB01.jpeg8AE3A1A9-D7C2-4240-82C9-8273417453DD.jpeg35CF38D9-50BC-41B4-9066-C9D4290935D4.jpegB500AC69-3AB2-4F07-95DE-C2EB2E748F4E.jpeg66F248E3-698E-4DEA-9492-E72138BE6FA2.jpegDF7CA450-E803-4CB2-B74F-A4E57704D0FF.jpeg
These are the apples that got “stepped”... They spent the first six DAYTIMES in above-ground cold-frame “area”.. nights at 43degreesF.. then.. they just stayed out there (Coming up on two weeks).. still barely even knowing it’s winter yet.2495CCEA-C967-480E-8A79-328386832778.jpeg
(Tiny Elaeagnus cuttings to the right (Out quite a bit longer), also holding on to some leaves.. )
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