I think you done nicely with pruning...I would wait to see how blooms hang before I chopped and wished I hadn't. But that's just me. I have a wisteria and...I had contemplated chopping a specific branch. Then...when it was in bloom I was relieved I hadn't. Wisteria as Judy mentioned is allowing for the racemes to hang so the tree needs to be taller. Looks great!
Just now settling down to see posts I missed when out of the country and had no connection with the world. I love peeked my interested. Can't wait to see this in bloom. Interesting trunk...I think you have an eye for what was needed with this particular tree/vine.
Thanks for your comment!
Truth is it was huge before pruning... so I just had to take the chance.
It has been reppoted from a training pot, so I don't thin it will flower this year.