Leaves are dropping on many of my trees, but some are lingering on. This little shohin-sized berberis is a long way off being a 'finished' tree, but the leaves have coloured up well. I think this will be a nice tree in two or three years.
there is a Korean hornbeam hidden in there. Some nice yellows and reds on this one. My only hornbeam and it's been in the ground a few years until this last spring but I'm quickly learning how wonderful these trees are.
Left for 3 weeks and missed a lot of it. Was 60-70s when we left and 20s while away.
Cotoneaster- Tom Thumb variety
Bald Cypress
Pretty much missed everything else being away for 3 weeks.
Potted trident seedling from Matt O. This one is gonna be wrapped over a little rock in the spring for a tiny root-over-rock style. Or it might be a root graft... haven't decided.
Well, it is late November and we are finally getting some cool weather, it was a freezing 40 degrees just the other day, upper 70's today. I was out watering and noticed that some of my trees had fall-like colors on them so I thought that I would share. I is cool, for me, as most of the time we get a freeze and the leaves turn brown and fall off.