Fall Colors 2016 - Post 'em up!

OKLast to change 20161208_124104.jpg
Burning bush never go that fiery red everyone else gets here, they are almost always maroon unless they get a lot of shade during the day.20161208_124110.jpg

My American Elm.
Just started to have good color, but quickly dropped its leaves.

Double or triple trunk. Two larger trunk need to be chopped lower next spring, don't you think?

A. palmatum 'Seiryu'
2016-12-17 19.28.42.jpg

Trident maple 'Mino yatsubusa'
Sorry for the blur. It's so windy.
2016-12-17 19.27.26.jpg
@LanceMac10 how is this big one doing? and what variety? i'd say 48" tall?

Right on the money, 47" from the lip of the pot. Still alive, just the very tips are "damaged". Color will be iffy this year, again. Staying a bit mild here, and it gets maybe too much shade. Last year, mild until that one night in October, dropped into the 20's and that was it, no color, just browned and shriveled!!

No idea about it's "name", but looks like this as it buds out......


If you were curious, it's very heavy!!!
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