We had a few clients fly in a week or so ago to pick up some trees we got for them. During their visit we gave them a tour of the lot we are building our new nursery on and got on the discussion of our growing fields. Something I had never thought of before as we mainly deal in trees already in pots was the fact that a lot of bonsai collectors from beginner up to the guys with expensive collections don't have their own ground if they want to put a tree in it to thicken it up in a hurry. One of our clients from NYC asked me while we were walking the future fields site "How much would you charge me per year if I sent you a rooted cutting of ______(insert species here)_____________ to have it grown out in your field"? I didn't have an answer. My first thought was why not just buy a tree we already grew out but then the client said "I have a few trees I would like clones of, but don't have the ground to do it in" which kind of made it make sense to me.
So the question is, what do you think would be a fair price if we started offering such a service?
Our cost per tree site (4 foot x 4 foot) per year to maintain is about $60 per year when you calculate in the slate tile we bury under the mound, irrigation, fertilizer, labor for maintenance such as weed picking, inspecting each tree every 5 weeks for health, ect. Slightly higher than that if we do any trunk contorting on the tree early on to get it gnarly from the start or need to cover the tree over winter for frost protection. So it would have to be at least as much as our cost. I dont anticipate we would be doing this for people very often as conceptually it wouldn't be a useful service to the bulk of people, but for the rarest of occasions like for the client that just asked us I would like to know what you all think would be fair.
@sorce Your input would be appreciated here as well.
If your clients trees really have special genetics would you be interested in incorporating them into your own stock? Get a bunch of cuttings and grow out as per usual on speculation? No rental fee, once some are ready for sale the donor gets first pic the rest are just grown out and available like all the rest of your trees.