Donald Trump.

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Man this freakshow that is donald trump, is doing America's image so much harm over here, and I can imagine in the rest of the world to. I have to regularly slap myself on the head and remind myself that he isn't what America is...!
I haven't yet met a single person here that doesn't grin or shake a head when his name comes up. The tv news has become a regular comedy show and its irretating bewackamajujus out of me.
I run the fast forward as soon as his narsassistic face appears.
Sorry I just find him a very confockulated person !!!
Not even 24 hrs. after the N.Y.C. attack and Trumps already trying to blame Chuck Shumer for it.
I guess it's never too early to politicize a tragedy for Trump.
Of course it's just another diversion from the indictments coming down on him and his team.
Not even 24 hrs. after the N.Y.C. attack and Trumps already trying to blame Chuck Shumer for it.
I guess it's never too early to politicize a tragedy for Trump.
Of course it's just another diversion from the indictments coming down on him and his team.
He's going to need bigger distractions soon, the dripping is getting really loud.
Trump a Huge Hit in Asia...Trump is the Man...Deceptively Wise.....
Who could possibly replace him in 2020, who has that kind of Strength...or will he go for 8....???
Trump a Huge Hit in Asia...Trump is the Man...Deceptively Wise.....
Who could possibly replace him in 2020, who has that kind of Strength...or will he go for 8....???
We agree on something.
Soo you are saying that Hillory Clinton is less than a block of wood? I would agree with you.
not at all, just because I think Trump is an idiot, doesn't immediately make me a Hillary lover. That election was a no win situation, and Trump is really scraping thru the bottom of the barrel and into the floor under it. He's an embarrassment to the country and to his alleged party. And technically Mike Pence would be the block of wood, an apt description for him.
These guys aren't even on par with a block of wood.
A block of wood has come from a tree. They aren't on par with trees. More like slime mould found on the block of wood.
A much lesser plant that eats away at the stability of the wood.
not even going to try and go below this one. :)
None. Not even Hillary are any good.
Trump,Clintons, every politician out there are all in it only as a means to power not the good if the people.
Not a single one is good for anuthing.
None. Not even Hillary are any good.
Trump,Clintons, every politician out there are all in it only as a means to power not the good if the people.
Not a single one is good for anuthing.
So you are saying that you are an anarchist? Wow Mike! That's a craped on idea of how to go and a guarantee that the worst people with the worst intentions and the most money to buy weapons are going to crawel up your butt. Chairman Mao said it best: Government is rule through the barrel of a gun---- and that my friend is why we have a second amendment.
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