Donald Trump.

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Just so you know, there is actually no hard evidence to support the notion of "man made global warming"....none.
The data that was put out there was proven to be fraudulent.
This is a fact....we know are the one who's in denial.
If you want hard science in the subject, I turn you to the Vostok Ice Core Samples which proved by testing layers of earth, by drilling over 10,000 feet down under Antarctica.
What that data, the true, hard, scientific data shows, is that CO2 does not contribute to the warming of the planet, but the high levels of CO2 show up about 100 years after the warming period.

I sunk your battleship.

Well this is not the whole picture. It's cherry picking the bit that suites deniers. True that CO2 concentration lagged behind the deglaciation period as this was caused by changes in earths orbit. These changes allowed more sunlight to warm the poles. CO2 levels then rose and drove the rest of the warming. CO2 accounts for about 90% of post glacial warming.
CO2 accounts for about 90% of post glacial warming.
Last political post ever.....:

This is where your "belief" comes in.
There is no hard evidence to proof of any scientific merit that backs up this claim.....none, zero, zip, zilch, notta.
The only "data" that ever existed that did show what you say, was proven to be false, manufactured data, lies, hoax in other words.
It's a belief of those who want to destroy industry and the standard of living in the first world.
You have faith in politicians who only lie to you....use your own eyes and mind. Forget what the politicians tell you.
I like to see your data. Where is it? Do you have a link? I dont listen to my politicians since they want to open the worlds largest coal mine. Not that its relevant to your statements.So far all you have done is dismiss without evidence and hurled abuse; show me your data.
Too late!

Give it a break Mike, most of your recent post's re Milania Trump are showing a Side of you that is not vey intelligent let alone your anti Trump post's in general....

Most Left Wing Liberals here on BN have me on Ignore, they cannot handle Reality or Conservative POV...

I consider it an Honor to be acknowledged Third Party...
I like to see your data. Where is it? Do you have a link? I dont listen to my politicians since they want to open the worlds largest coal mine. Not that its relevant to your statements.So far all you have done is dismiss without evidence and hurled abuse; show me your data.
Here you go buddy, please note that this article is only one of many and it is ten years old.....meaning that, to those of us who trust hard science over a "consensus of the scientific community", this is not news, we've all known about this for a long time.
It's the left, who thinks that science is up for a vote, that "believe" in what the Obama's of the world say.

Now stop dragging me back here...I'm trying to avoid this thread.

This is not to say that the climate doesn't change, we know it does....
North America used to be covered in 300ft of ice.....
I wonder how much coal the Neanderthal were burning to make that happen??:confused:
I could go a step further and call you guys the climate change deniers.....because you guys want big government to help keep the climate the same....when the truth is there is nothing we can do either way.

I'll add this one too, for you....
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Regardless of the climate change "debate" I hope we can all understand that massive man made pollution is no good. Seems silly to say we love the natural world, but then want to endlessly fuck it up. I know @M. Frary Can appreciate the importance of protecting our great lakes from further damage. I have personally watched Lake Ontario improve over my lifetime, as governments have acted to stop poisoning our water. As westerners we seem to love our air pollution, any dialogue that includes changing old habits is met with fierce resistance.
So I read the newscientist article and it basically said the same as I did. Something triggered a change in temperature and rising CO2 levels then pushed it up further. They say 40% temp increase contributed to CO2, I've read 90% elsewhere. Not sure how that dismisses man made climate change.
Posel seems none to popular with many people; I not willing to accept her comments as credible, especially if she uses james taylor as a source for climate change details.
Can you explain hard science for me, I've not come across it in the way you use it.
sorry to keep pestering you.
Regardless of the climate change "debate" I hope we can all understand that massive man made pollution is no good. Seems silly to say we love the natural world, but then want to endlessly fuck it up. I know @M. Frary Can appreciate the importance of protecting our great lakes from further damage. I have personally watched Lake Ontario improve over my lifetime, as governments have acted to stop poisoning our water. As westerners we seem to love our air pollution, any dialogue that includes changing old habits is met with fierce resistance.
The debate is only happening in the US. Rest of the world has accepted it. I meet plenty of people who dont care about pollution and species extinction, let alone climate change. Yet they keep a tidy house and garden with no litter anywhere, I dont understand how they are prepared to let their grandchildren live in a lesser world.
I hear what you are saying @63pmp in Canada many folks are attached to all their "old ways" gas powered everything! Lawn mowers, blowers, trimmers, everything! Perfect lawns that stretch on forever, only to be touched by their tractor mowers, and pesticides. Hobbies that seem to only include riding gas powered vehicles, car that are customized to spew more smoke, all real smart stuff!
Regardless of the climate change "debate" I hope we can all understand that massive man made pollution is no good. Seems silly to say we love the natural world, but then want to endlessly fuck it up. I know @M. Frary Can appreciate the importance of protecting our great lakes from further damage. I have personally watched Lake Ontario improve over my lifetime, as governments have acted to stop poisoning our water. As westerners we seem to love our air pollution, any dialogue that includes changing old habits is met with fierce resistance.
You don't have to be an environmentalist to be a conservationist.
The debate is only happening in the US. Rest of the world has accepted it. I meet plenty of people who dont care about pollution and species extinction, let alone climate change. Yet they keep a tidy house and garden with no litter anywhere, I dont understand how they are prepared to let their grandchildren live in a lesser world.
I don't understand why you think that's what I want....
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