Donald Trump.

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Look around you. See things for yourself.
Yep that's the easiest and right way to do it. Nobody really need no scientist to see whats going on. They just need to LOOK with an open and somewhat informed mind.
Sure the planet has been going through cycles for eons, but NEVER has it been in an accelerated one, like it is now...!!!
This might well be the last one that man will ever record :eek:
Yep that's the easiest and right way to do it. Nobody really need no scientist to see whats going on. They just need to LOOK with an open and somewhat informed mind.
Sure the planet has been going through cycles for eons, but NEVER has it been in an accelerated one, like it is now...!!!
This might well be the last one that man will ever record :eek:
It so accelerated that we haven't had a "major hurricane" make landfall in 12 years.
Until recently, of course.
This man's hubris is limitless.
He thinks he can make ESPN fire someone for calling him a white supremacist on Twitter. Apparently the truth does hurt.
Did he get elected king of the United States?
Trying to work with the democrats now because he's alienated his republicans.
Maybe the wall will come later.
What happened to Mexico paying for It?
There will be no wall.
Fixing Obama care? What? No repeal?
His pick for Attorney General he's now calling an idiot. Saying Sessions is an idiot is tantamount to him being an idiot himself. Trump chose him didn't he?
Humiliating and demeaning his staff only makes them hate him and they will work to make him look bad and plan his downfall. I know I would stick it to him at first chance I got.
Not only has he tried to isolate America and is failing but he's doing a great job of isolating himself.
Your understanding of Bonsai seems to be quite good.

Your understanding of everything else is like global watchamacallit.

Why not quit while you're ahead?

No, I don't have it all figured out. However, I know that folks who say stuff like Mike does as well as you ( who apparently agree with him) sure don't.

Well Mike "bless your heart" according to your astounding number* of posts you seem to have joined the ignorant list long ago compared to me. That must mean you are massively more ignorant than you think you are.

*When do you have time t0 eat?

Sorry you can't see your own shortsighted and self-centered victim thinking for what it is -- Global Watchamacallit;

he's alienated his republicans.
As I said over a year an a half ago,the republicans are scared to death of Trump, and they have been since he began his campaign.
The republicans are his tallest hurdle to jump.
With that said, I'm disappointed in Trump, he's basically a democrat in a blue collar costume....essentially no different from any other politician, which was my fear from day one of the primaries....
I said "I like what I hear, but how can I trust him?"

Also Mike, having respect for your nation's boarders, language and culture has absolutely nothing to do with race....and you know that.
Its Tribal, always has been...
That's certainly where we're heading....the more the left pushes their racist, identity politics on all of us....the more separated and divided we become, by design.....divide and conquer, it's the leftist way.

The old view of the the colorblind melting pot is how it should be....America that is.

They preach equality....but they give special treatment to certain groups based on their race....that's racist and hypocritical....

But as we all know, if it wern't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

It's tough to live in times like this and be a thinking person....
It's much easier to be one of them, the monolithic left, marching off the cliff like lemmings.
What is tribal? Our identity through race, nationality, religion?

Tribal culture is what you see in the major cities...
Where the neighborhoods are essentially segregated by race and religion.
You have your Jewish community, your white community (constantly diminishing), your Hispanic community, your black community, your Asian community (usually called China Town), your Muslim community....and so on and so forth...
My point is that the United States SHUT DOWN ALL IMMIGRATION FROM 1924-1965....They did that to allow time for all the immigrants to assimilate to American culture, and they did, because they came here wanting to become Americans.
Today, the huge amounts of immigrants they bus in over the southern boarder, and the Islamic immigrants, want to "fundamentally transform America" (to quote the soft jihadist Barry Obama).
They want to destroy American culture from its founding forward....

Just look at how they have succeeded...
We actually have states that want to sue the federal government because the feds insist on enforcement of immigration laws.
They are so backwards that they are willing to fight to become official "sanctuary states", which is honestly one of the most offensive notions that exists today, to any freedom loving American person.
I don't need to detail about sanctuary cities and states, but know that I was raised in one, one of the absolute worst.
They are turning our cities into 3rd world hell holes.

Assimilation creates unity and prosperity for all Americans....that how its supposed to be.
I hear you I grew up in what is probably one of the most diverse cities around, Toronto. There are enclaves for all the different nationalities, but it is also an amazing fun place. I agree that an honest conversation about immigration is a good things. I always enjoyed the quote, "America is a melting pot, if you want to move here, melt a little. "
The old view of the the colorblind melting pot is how it should be
When was that? Before the 1860s? During
the 1960s?
One of the first things needs doing is to teach law enforcement color blindness. 4 cops acquitted of murder in 4 months of black men. One even on film planting a gun and saying "gonna kill this n@#_%r"
White judge. Old guy.
And now Trump reaches across the aisle and he's not to be worthy of your trust?
People burning their Make America Great Again hats in protest.
Some pretty fickle supporters from what I see.
You guys didn't really think he was going to do what he said to get your vote did you? I mean come on. He did all that to get elected to put more money into Trump. The rich get richer now and the poorer are even to get poorer.
He's just like all of them. Except he isn't one of them.
Paul Ryan came out and said the republicans still have the power. So. Now Trump has essentially isolated himself. He has some democrats that are now willing to work with him but the republicans will quash anything they come up with.
If he flips again the democrats won't vote his way. He still has the Russia investigation hanging over his head too.
What next?
Im waiting for a bunch of women to come forward and say he Bill Cosby'd them. Not out of the realm of possibilities.
What is tribal? Our identity through race, nationality, religion?
In their vision of America they think people should be white Christians. They don't like the idea of people hanging onto their national identities. They all need to dress a certain way. Eat certain foods. Follow certain religions. Talk a certain way.
The ones that don't shouldn't be here.
Apparently they don't like pizza. Or tacos.
Or sushi. Or beer. Or tequila.
Bolero only eats steak raised in Texas and washes it down with whiskey from Kentucky. Oh wait. Isn't whiskey from Scotland? And didnt the Spanish bring the cattle.
And the big one. Just where did Christianity come from? I do believe Jesus was a middle easterner. Hmmm. The Israelite were a tribe too.
I guess America isn't the kind of place Bolero likes. It's full of tribal stuff.
I would say he could eat buffalo but white guys killed most of them in order to get the native tribes gone too.
I hear you I grew up in what is probably one of the most diverse cities around, Toronto. There are enclaves for all the different nationalities, but it is also an amazing fun place. I agree that an honest conversation about immigration is a good things. I always enjoyed the quote, "America is a melting pot, if you want to move here, melt a little. "
From my point of view, it's so far gone down here....the only thing I can do get frustrated about it....
The politicians and lobbyists with their special interests, usually benefit from mass flows of illegals.
For example in Maryland, they brought in bus loads of "dreamers" years ago, during the Obama years. They create work for the labor unions by building these massive, resort-like communities for them, with every amenity you can possibly imagine, for free.
In return the labor unions try to make their people vote for democrats, and they contribute money to democrat campaigns.....and the money laundering cycle continues.
When was that? Before the 1860s? During
the 1960s?
One of the first things needs doing is to teach law enforcement color blindness. 4 cops acquitted of murder in 4 months of black men. One even on film planting a gun and saying "gonna kill this n@#_%r"
White judge. Old guy.
And now Trump reaches across the aisle and he's not to be worthy of your trust?
People burning their Make America Great Again hats in protest.
Some pretty fickle supporters from what I see.
You guys didn't really think he was going to do what he said to get your vote did you? I mean come on. He did all that to get elected to put more money into Trump. The rich get richer now and the poorer are even to get poorer.
He's just like all of them. Except he isn't one of them.
Paul Ryan came out and said the republicans still have the power. So. Now Trump has essentially isolated himself. He has some democrats that are now willing to work with him but the republicans will quash anything they come up with.
If he flips again the democrats won't vote his way. He still has the Russia investigation hanging over his head too.
What next?
Im waiting for a bunch of women to come forward and say he Bill Cosby'd them. Not out of the realm of possibilities.

In their vision of America they think people should be white Christians. They don't like the idea of people hanging onto their national identities. They all need to dress a certain way. Eat certain foods. Follow certain religions. Talk a certain way.
The ones that don't shouldn't be here.
Apparently they don't like pizza. Or tacos.
Or sushi. Or beer. Or tequila.
Bolero only eats steak raised in Texas and washes it down with whiskey from Kentucky. Oh wait. Isn't whiskey from Scotland? And didnt the Spanish bring the cattle.
And the big one. Just where did Christianity come from? I do believe Jesus was a middle easterner. Hmmm. The Israelite were a tribe too.
I guess America isn't the kind of place Bolero likes. It's full of tribal stuff.
I would say he could eat buffalo but white guys killed most of them in order to get the native tribes gone too.
So you think that the Portland police throwing out all their years of collected data on gang members, because there aren't enough white gang members, is a good idea?
Come on Mike....
This is not a racial topic.
It's a topic of law and order.
It's the leftists that always introduce race into every your bleeding heart, and your liberal white guilt overwhelming you that badly?
You didn't enslave anyone Mike.
Liberate your mind buddy!

Political Correctness Over Public Safety.
This is insanity....
If Orwell only knew.
Isn't whiskey from Scotland?

Checked the definition in the Collins online dictionary. This is what I've always thought:

"Whiskey is whisky that is made in Ireland or the United States."

Never saw a bottle of whisky labelled "whiskey" when I lived in Scotland :p

Oops. I said I would never post in that thread again... :rolleyes: :D:D:D
people see what they want to see

to some it was a black guy killed by a white cop because he was black and the cop was white.

others see a heroine dealer with a known criminal record, ram a cop car, hit the cops arm with his car, take off on a high speed chase and get shot.

i could care less what color the guy was - play stupid games/win stupid prizes. if the video circulating showed the cop walk up on an unresistant criminal during an arrest and shoot him - then yeh i might be a little more concerned.

as for the gun plant - know how many people i have heard first hand claim they were arrested because the cops "planted" something on them. people i know for a fact use or sell drugs? if i had a nickel for every "setup" ive heard claimed - my collection of trees and my house would be much bigger.....

now it is possible - but really - what is the more likely explanation..... a white guy wanted to kill a black guy or a criminal created a dangerous situation that ended in his own death. my blame goes to the convict .
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