The old view of the the colorblind melting pot is how it should be
When was that? Before the 1860s? During
the 1960s?
One of the first things needs doing is to teach law enforcement color blindness. 4 cops acquitted of murder in 4 months of black men. One even on film planting a gun and saying "gonna kill this n@#_%r"
White judge. Old guy.
And now Trump reaches across the aisle and he's not to be worthy of your trust?
People burning their Make America Great Again hats in protest.
Some pretty fickle supporters from what I see.
You guys didn't really think he was going to do what he said to get your vote did you? I mean come on. He did all that to get elected to put more money into Trump. The rich get richer now and the poorer are even to get poorer.
He's just like all of them. Except he isn't one of them.
Paul Ryan came out and said the republicans still have the power. So. Now Trump has essentially isolated himself. He has some democrats that are now willing to work with him but the republicans will quash anything they come up with.
If he flips again the democrats won't vote his way. He still has the Russia investigation hanging over his head too.
What next?
Im waiting for a bunch of women to come forward and say he Bill Cosby'd them. Not out of the realm of possibilities.
What is tribal? Our identity through race, nationality, religion?
In their vision of America they think people should be white Christians. They don't like the idea of people hanging onto their national identities. They all need to dress a certain way. Eat certain foods. Follow certain religions. Talk a certain way.
The ones that don't shouldn't be here.
Apparently they don't like pizza. Or tacos.
Or sushi. Or beer. Or tequila.
Bolero only eats steak raised in Texas and washes it down with whiskey from Kentucky. Oh wait. Isn't whiskey from Scotland? And didnt the Spanish bring the cattle.
And the big one. Just where did Christianity come from? I do believe Jesus was a middle easterner. Hmmm. The Israelite were a tribe too.
I guess America isn't the kind of place Bolero likes. It's full of tribal stuff.
I would say he could eat buffalo but white guys killed most of them in order to get the native tribes gone too.