Donald Trump.

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I suppose in a country where it is legal to bear arms. In the USA there is no ground for arrest for a person dressed like this. Whether you agree with the laws are not, this person has done nothing wrong according to local laws. I do not understand why you would WANT to dress up like this for a demonstration though!
Right, it would be like charging George Soros for the 13 murders committed by Black Lives Matter Progressive Activists....
Even though he funds their murderous operation to the tune of $100+million....
Firstly congrats ----------- 237 pages.

We have been preparing planets metal poor, but agriculturally rich for those that are too too aggressive.
So you may beat the plough share into the sword and war on yourselves.

We as a race have come too far for all this silly VIOLENCE.:mad::mad::mad:

It would take only one man [ Vagabond Arts / Ninja ] to take out girlie Baby faced N. Korea problem..
Or prepare an arena, arm both girlie baby face and Trump with short swords.
Let them fight it out, as all good generals should.

!!!!!!!!!THIS IS SPARTA !!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

Thus endeth my rant for the month.
Have fun, but remember play nicely or you may end up on one of those planets.:):eek:
I know all statistics are rigged. But yeah.. I do get a little concerned looking at these data:
View attachment 154579 _7-21-17_scientists_warning.pdf

Hm.. Oregon State Uni is in Europe?

Suppose ALL academic institutes, globally, are out to make money on global climate change migitation?

So bored and curious what was being said...
As to the temps in the son actually goes to a liberal viewed college for the most part. The one professor there showed facts dating back before 1960...of cycles the earth goes through. That debunked the theory of this being a problem. If you could see the would put Global Warming as a joke. for thought.
If you could see the would put Global Warming as a joke. for thought.

Oh, really?

"ExxonMobil has knowingly misled the public for decades about the danger climate change poses to a warming world and the oil giant’s long-term viability, according to a peer-reviewed study.
An analysis of nearly 200 documents spanning decades found that four-fifths of scientific studies and internal memos acknowledged global warming was real and caused by humans."
Oh, really?

"ExxonMobil has knowingly misled the public for decades about the danger climate change poses to a warming world and the oil giant’s long-term viability, according to a peer-reviewed study.
An analysis of nearly 200 documents spanning decades found that four-fifths of scientific studies and internal memos acknowledged global warming was real and caused by humans."
Now there's some food for thought!
Oh, really?

"ExxonMobil has knowingly misled the public for decades about the danger climate change poses to a warming world and the oil giant’s long-term viability, according to a peer-reviewed study.
An analysis of nearly 200 documents spanning decades found that four-fifths of scientific studies and internal memos acknowledged global warming was real and caused by humans."
Yeah, but .. Did any of THEM think to look at the temperature before 1960? I BET they did not and ONLY a professor at a liberal college knows how to do this.

I get so tired of people not wanting to accept science (Yet, of course, that is, except for a solar eclipse. That that can be predicted accurately decades ahead of time,m even though you do not understand the math behind it.. Yet, when it comes to climate, everybody is an expert. Sigh.
The one professor there showed facts dating back before 1960...of cycles the earth goes through. That debunked the theory of this being a problem.
So on the one hand he accepted the work by the scientists who derived historical temperature profiles from soil & fossile records, yet he did not accept the conclusion of those same scientists that temperature developments are out of line? Interesting.
Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.
Peer review, the ultimate fact check, except when all the peers benefit from the same conclusion. Ref climate-gate.

Don't rain on my parade, I ordered a tesla 3
Yet, when it comes to climate, everybody is an expert
It isn't funny but in a lot of ways it is.
Everybody believed in the eclipse because it didn't have special interest groups behind it. Like the oil and coal industries. Both on their way out but wanting to hang onto power until the world ends.
The ones that believe that man made climate change is fake are people that have been duped. Most arent dumb or stupid.
But they back a political party that doesnt want it to be true. Even though its right in front of them every day. If they change their minds and they know deep inside they are wrong then they admit to being wrong about their whole political beliefs. Meaning they've been led around by their noses by the special interest groups and their party to be used. Nobody likes to admit they've been duped and taken advantage of.
So they keep on saying it isn't real.
So on the one hand he accepted the work by the scientists who derived historical temperature profiles from soil & fossile records, yet he did not accept the conclusion of those same scientists that temperature developments are out of line? Interesting.

Wasn't in the son feels he has a strong grasp of it. That his professor showed very sound factual data. That's all I know...


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What eclipse? Didn't see no eclipse. Must be fake news. Someone I really trust said it didn't happen so it didnt and nothing you can say will change my mind. That's my completely ignorant and arrogant opinion so there.
Wasn't in the son feels he has a strong grasp of it.
Oh, of course. no, then it makes perfect sense. We can all forget about the challenges climate change poses. Because a teacher in school has a good grasp of it. That of course in contrast to those thousands of scientists whose job it is to analyse the data but do not really understand what they are doing.

@leatherback it was a professor at college...and I believe it was part of what was being taught. So, a bit different than a teacher say at a public school system...

There have been scientists who said back in the day...milk causes cancer too. Just because it's a scientist doesn't mean I sink all my eggs in their basket. I place my faith in the God I trust...

But...even the photo you shared dating back ...shows a cycle...of ups and downs. No? The earth is constantly doesn't sit still in one place.
But...even the photo you shared dating back ...shows a cycle...of ups and downs. No
Yes. But instead of just looking at the ups and downs youre also looking at the ups being taller and and lasting longer more recently. And the downs arent as deep.All in recent history. Like since man has evolved into using fossil fuels. See the little numbers along the bottom? Those represent years going back 600,000 years. The numbers going up the left side represent average temperatures.
Graphs aren't just squiggly lines going up and down on a piece of paper. You actually have to read them.
And who is to say the professor at the college isn't teaching something wrong? Maybe he's been duped like the 1% of the people who don't believe in climate change have been. Like the people who told you milk causes cancer. You didn't really believe that either did you?
Open your mind. Quit being so gullible. Think for yourself.
Look around you. See things for yourself.
Previous presidents tried to cut back on emissions because it's bad for the world.
But this asshole is wanting to lessen emissions and let coal companies start dumping toxins out again. Because he's also ignorant and does not even care about his children nor their children. If he did he wouldn't lessen restrictions on pollution. And if he doesn't care about his own how much does he care about yours.
The only thing he cares about now is saving his own ass. And inciting people to hate by backing white supremacists groups.
And trying to isolate us from the rest of the world.
And voter intimidation with his election committee.
He's done a bang up job so far hasn't He?
Is Mexico ever going to pay for his wall like he said in order to get elected? No. And he's pissed because our Congress hasn't and probably wont pass funding for it.
Has he drained the swamp? Not at all. In fact he's made it even more murky.
How about replacing the Affordable Care Act with something better. It was one of his promises to get elected.
Nothing. And he is blaming other republicans for not fixing it. Where is the plan he promised?
Tax reform? So the rich get to pay less? What good does that do anybody? If I get taxed 10 cents on every dollar I earn why does the guy that makes millions get to pay a smaller percentage of his income?
The government is set up for the rich by the rich. Why anyone would vote for an unstable,racist,woman groping,lying billionaire is beyond me.
But maybe there's hope. The Russia investigation isn't over and there is the 25th amendment.
@M. Frary You reminded me why I stopped coming to this thread. Lol

He is so racist...that my black and gay friends helped vote him in. Imagine that...Democratic Party...with These ones wishing to get rid of all these statues...that their party placed. I am seeing an overwhelming black group sickened by the Democratic Party and what they are choosing to focus on in this time and age. I see many who were on the wall...siding with Trump with the latest news...and hype of statues and such. It is younger son stated...he is curious if any parties will go by the way in past history. I am not saying it will happen...but I am seeing a lot of democrats...sounding discussed at where their party is focused.

Russians...aliens...oh my! Lol sorry Mike...I get you and I are on opposite sides of the fence. I am climbing up out of this thread...and with you all well. But it's not worth me and I differ of opinion and that we can agree.
The Big Chess Board...
Its all Tribalism & always has been, always will be...
Just bigger, better Weapons and Sophisticated means of Communication...
All the various Tribes have One or Two leaders that force their Will and Agenda on the Sheeples.
The Sheeples will always follow...
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