But...even the photo you shared dating back ...shows a cycle...of ups and downs. No
Yes. But instead of just looking at the ups and downs youre also looking at the ups being taller and and lasting longer more recently. And the downs arent as deep.All in recent history. Like since man has evolved into using fossil fuels. See the little numbers along the bottom? Those represent years going back 600,000 years. The numbers going up the left side represent average temperatures.
Graphs aren't just squiggly lines going up and down on a piece of paper. You actually have to read them.
And who is to say the professor at the college isn't teaching something wrong? Maybe he's been duped like the 1% of the people who don't believe in climate change have been. Like the people who told you milk causes cancer. You didn't really believe that either did you?
Open your mind. Quit being so gullible. Think for yourself.
Look around you. See things for yourself.
Previous presidents tried to cut back on emissions because it's bad for the world.
But this asshole is wanting to lessen emissions and let coal companies start dumping toxins out again. Because he's also ignorant and does not even care about his children nor their children. If he did he wouldn't lessen restrictions on pollution. And if he doesn't care about his own how much does he care about yours.
The only thing he cares about now is saving his own ass. And inciting people to hate by backing white supremacists groups.
And trying to isolate us from the rest of the world.
And voter intimidation with his election committee.
He's done a bang up job so far hasn't He?
Is Mexico ever going to pay for his wall like he said in order to get elected? No. And he's pissed because our Congress hasn't and probably wont pass funding for it.
Has he drained the swamp? Not at all. In fact he's made it even more murky.
How about replacing the Affordable Care Act with something better. It was one of his promises to get elected.
Nothing. And he is blaming other republicans for not fixing it. Where is the plan he promised?
Tax reform? So the rich get to pay less? What good does that do anybody? If I get taxed 10 cents on every dollar I earn why does the guy that makes millions get to pay a smaller percentage of his income?
The government is set up for the rich by the rich. Why anyone would vote for an unstable,racist,woman groping,lying billionaire is beyond me.
But maybe there's hope. The Russia investigation isn't over and there is the 25th amendment.