Donald Trump.

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I was just happy to hear the White house is calling countries out who illegally trade with North Korea. Hopefully they will continue to push China and Russia to stop supporting horrible governments.
I was just happy to hear the White house is calling countries out who illegally trade with North Korea. Hopefully they will continue to push China and Russia to stop supporting horrible governments.
Hell yeah....
Can get your opinion on that Wilson?
North Korea....
What do you think needs to happen?
Should we take the leftist model and wait for another Pearl Harbor/ 9-11 like attack before we glass their asses?
Or should we take preemptive measures?
Obviously something needs to be done with the crazy little funny looking fat boy called Kim....
I agree my friend, too long this family of dictators have cursed North Korea. It has always bothered me that the UNITED Security Council just needs one country to veto a decision. Countries like NK, Sudan, Syria, have all been able to torture their citizens because China and Russia support them. I can't stand that shit!
I saw a guy who denigrated the U.S. intelligence agencies.
I saw a guy who can't quit saying the news media is fake.
I saw a guy who was "honored"to meet the guy who put him into office. Even extended his hand to him.
Saw a guy who accepts Russia's explanation that they didn't meddle in his election.
And he has a voter fraud committee trying to get all of our information on who we voted for,what party,our social security numbers,our addresses because he still thinks there were illegal voters. Even though he is now president.
It's just killing him that he didn't get a popular vote.
At least the leader of the free world,Angela Merkel knows what's up.
I agree my friend, too long this family of dictators have cursed North Korea. It has always bothered me that the UNITED Security Council just needs one country to veto a decision. Countries like NK, Sudan, Syria, have all been able to torture their citizens because China and Russia support them. I can't stand that shit!

I agree: Democratic countries mustn't support dictatorships like Pinochet's regime (thank you CIA), or oust democratically elected people like Mossagedh in Iran(thank you CIA), or fund the Talibans in Afghanistan(thank you CIA).

It's the boomerang policy.

The US, and many former colonial countries supported dictators for their own interests. Now they're getting the boomerang in their face.

(North Korea is a different problem though.)

"the news media is fake"

For @my nellie and anyone else who may have been confused, or whatever, about my post about Alain and hell and Satan, in the locked thread about some vile woman.

I don't speak for Christians.
Most Christians would tell you that I don't qualify as a Christian, the same way many conservatives would tell you that I don't meet their criteria either.
I think organized religion is a man made thing, designed to control people's minds and wallets.
When I see stories like this, , what more can I say?
I do have much knowledge on the subject of Christianity and Islam/Sharia, however.
I do believe in a single Creator of the universe, as I have had my own personal experience.
I also agree with Einstein's realization, that the further into the universe his studies took him, the more obvious it became that there must be a Creator.
I think it's easier to believe that there is a higher power that created this mess, than to believe that it all happened by chance, from nothing.
Leftists like Alain think that they are the highest power in the universe. As such Alain takes every opportunity he can to denigrate Christians and America.
America was founded by Christian men who wanted to be free, so I have great respect for Christianity, for without it, there would be no America.....and as we all know, America has provided more people, from more places on earth, the opportunity to get out of poverty and flourish as individual human beings, than any other place on earth ever has or will....and that fact is due to free markets and capitalism. That's why the whole world wants to come here, that's why so many countries try to copy our constitution.

As for hell, and what I said before....
It was a bombastic, snarky, shock line... that's all. Clearly effective too.
Of course I don't know if hell exists, or what will happen, when Alain gets there.
But I can dream, can't I?
I mean, for someone to constantly spew the kind of poison he does, the globalist anti-American bigotry, he must be on George Soros' payroll.....what else can I say!?
He got under my skin, that's all.
And he's smiling right now, while reading this, guaranteed.
It's how he gets his jollies, whatever.
A few thoughts off the top of my head...
America functions in spite of itself...
Youth of the World have no clue...
European youth protest's at G20 , not Liberal or Conservative just Anti Capitalism and Globalism...
USA seeing Major Climate change effects, all Detrimental...
North Korea Out of Control, eventual Catrastophe...
and more.......
Maybe you've been sucked in by the climate alarmists/fools/ignorant idiots:rolleyes: but here in America we are not other than a very violent and vocal minority. Glad:D to see this done so easily and a thumb in the eye of the Euro idiots

I know all statistics are rigged. But yeah.. I do get a little concerned looking at these data:

http://scientistswarning.forestry.o...Ripple_et_al. _7-21-17_scientists_warning.pdf

Glad:D to see this done so easily and a thumb in the eye of the Euro idiots
Hm.. Oregon State Uni is in Europe?

Suppose ALL academic institutes, globally, are out to make money on global climate change migitation?
At first, I thought it was a picture of someone from the national guard, or the police squads, and I thought 'These people have such a weird culture, why display lethal weapons at a demonstration ?"

And-WOW- I re

Donald, in what country can hateful racist people demonstrate in such a gear without being arrested, charged, and sentenced ?

At first, I thought it was a picture of someone from the national guard, or the police squads, and I thought 'These people have such a weird culture, why display lethal weapons at a demonstration ?"

And-WOW!!!- I read the caption: a white supremacist.

Donald, in what country can hateful racist people demonstrate in such a gear without being arrested, charged, and sentenced ?





Norway: Anders Behring Breivik


Champs-Elysées, Paris, France :


London :

All the same, but different : religions, and its corollary exclusion, because a "non-believer", or someone who is not identified as part of the community because of their colour of skin are doomed to be sent to hell.

And those people for their vast majority pretend to be "Christians"?

If they're not "officially" supported by about half the US population, at least it is "excused" by their new president.

Human lives matter.

Will your Sultan drop the bomb on Venezueal to restore democracy at all costs for the citizens, and take control of the oil fields too?...
Don't say that in Baltimore.
You'll get shot by a fellow liberal right quick.

That's a pity.

I have compassion and sympathy for those who live, or have lived in such an environment that it turned them into sour, bitter paranoiacs..

For more than ten years, I taught in a very "colourful" neighbourhood. One day, I separated two girls that were fighting outside the school. One of the girls' brother, a former student of mine actually, came and said 'I'll be back and shoot you!"

Fortunately, kids here can't buy a gun at the corner of the street, and his 22-rifle was somewhere at home, so he had to think about it on his way home.

I met him a couple of weeks later and he apologised.

As for the 'liberals" here, they don't carry guns, they don't own guns.

I can have an argument, but it never comes to a fist-fight or a shooting.

Last time I threw a bully in a bin was when I was 8 years-old. He was twice my size, and never pestered me again.

"shot by a fellow liberal"... No, this will never happen here.
That's a pity.

I have compassion and sympathy for those who live, or have lived in such an environment that it turned them into sour, bitter paranoiacs..

For more than ten years, I taught in a very "colourful" neighbourhood. One day, I separated two girls that were fighting outside the school. One of the girls' brother, a former student of mine actually, came and said 'I'll be back and shoot you!"

Fortunately, kids here can't buy a gun at the corner of the street, and his 22-rifle was somewhere at home, so he had to think about it on his way home.

I met him a couple of weeks later and he apologised.

As for the 'liberals" here, they don't carry guns, they don't own guns.

I can have an argument, but it never comes to a fist-fight or a shooting.

Last time I threw a bully in a bin was when I was 8 years-old. He was twice my size, and never pestered me again.

"shot by a fellow liberal"... No, this will never happen here.
I guess Progressive would be a better descriptor, indeed.
My apologies, the exact reason I don't usually use that word liberal... Liberals don't exist here...
Seems like such a shame, all the stories coming from the rally. I was seriously shocked when I saw David Dukes name in the news again. can you shed any light as to how he has reinvented himself with the United the right? *I am not implying anything by that question, only that I know you keep up with your politics!*
in what country can hateful racist people demonstrate in such a gear without being arrested, charged, and sentenced ?
I suppose in a country where it is legal to bear arms. In the USA there is no ground for arrest for a person dressed like this. Whether you agree with the laws are not, this person has done nothing wrong according to local laws. I do not understand why you would WANT to dress up like this for a demonstration though!
Seems like such a shame, all the stories coming from the rally. I was seriously shocked when I saw David Dukes name in the news again. can you shed any light as to how he has reinvented himself with the United the right? *I am not implying anything by that question, only that I know you keep up with your politics!*
Honestly I'm lost.... no clue what you're talking about, no clue who that picture is of and where....don't care too much....
Hilary lost, I kinda checked out since....
Too much Bullshit....

Rally's are for assholes who should be at work.
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