Donald Trump.

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You are not First....You are one of the Good Guys...Although you often exhibit Confusion regards President Trump-POTUS...

Just made a dozen Pickled Eggs with Vinegar, Beet juice and Spices...

Just like the Ole Days at the local pub...$.25c ea.View attachment 138636
Would you like a couple ???
Yum.... how did they turn out?
If I did not love my country so much I would love to sit around and watch what happens when you gang of Sphincters try to pinch off more than you can pass and have to drag your sorry butts around on the grass to clean your poop shoots. When the world you create disintegrates you are going to be crying to mom ma, and trying to blame us for the mess you have.
Yet another poop reference, Vance. What's up man?
Because they were expecting us to pay most of the cost
America payed for the Montreal Protocol, like everyone else in the entire human world, well maybe not Syria and Nicaragua, wherever that is. We kinda need the environment, just like the ozone-layer, irreversible means we cannot go back and redo things, if everyone does his part it will be fixed sooner and cheaper. The rest of the world will create and invest in "non-greenhouse-gas-emitting" energy/jobs/technology, and in 3.5 years America will have to buy all this 'new' technology abroad (like from Europe and China), Trump's withdraw from this agreement will only slow America down in the long-term and create a few "greenhouse-emitting" jobs in the short-term. So, you are right, if you don't care about the climate today you will pay less, but when Trump is done you will have to catch up somehow. America is one of the biggest emitters, so it's only natural the percentage of that sum will be the greatest.
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Hi Donald,

Our very small country voted today.

This is my new representative/MP/Députée:


She will replace someone who supported a candidate for presidency who hired his wife and children as parliamentary assistants for no work, but good pay. A kind of local Trump.

She worked for NGOs in Africa, and started her own buisiness when back to France. Ach, eine kapitalist...

But she's honest, and intelligent. And she's young, a woman, a woman who won't give in to lobbyists that pretend that global warming is not man-made.

And the "National Front", the neo-fascists (more or less the equivalent of the Trump supporters in the US) got only 8 MPs out of 751. Sorry Vance.

Very good news from a small country in the old world isn't it?....
A comment from a former Republican governor:

I agree that clean energy is the way now. I think it is only a good think to remove bad health causing fine particulates from the atmosphere. Diesel for example. For some reason however, I'm still not convinced about man made climate change. I do believe climate is changing but the real reason may not have been uncovered yet?
Hi Donald,

Our very small country voted today.

This is my new representative/MP/Députée:


She will replace someone who supported a candidate for presidency who hired his wife and children as parliamentary assistants for no work, but good pay. A kind of local Trump.

She worked for NGOs in Africa, and started her own buisiness when back to France. Ach, eine kapitalist...

But she's honest, and intelligent. And she's young, a woman, a woman who won't give in to lobbyists that pretend that global warming is not man-made.

And the "National Front", the neo-fascists (more or less the equivalent of the Trump supporters in the US) got only 8 MPs out of 751. Sorry Vance.

Very good news from a small country in the old world isn't it?....

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha, gasp ahahahahahanahahaha. Good for you and your little country.
Love this.

Statistics don't matter if you're the statistic. I lived in Germany for two years and never once had a problem. Went to Amsterdam for a weekend and two of my friends were mugged at knife-point.

This video is amusingly naive if someone thinks "monitoring and rehabilitation" is what turns hardened criminals into peaceful, law-abiding members of society. I'm not trying to attack the Netherlands or defend our legal system in the slightest. I just hate when people compare apples and oranges and try to justify their logic. The Netherland has less than half the population of California - with a more homogenous society and completely different cultural history and values.
naive if someone thinks "monitoring and rehabilitation" is what turns hardened criminals into peaceful, law-abiding members of society
yet, when it is really tried it works..?
The Netherland has less than half the population of California - with a more homogenous society and completely different cultural history and values

Of course. In the Netherlands, the natives are about 75% op the population. In the USA 99% of the populaion is of immigrant decent. I would however think that at some point one could agree that all are USA americans, except for the most recent -say first and second generation- immigrants are not.

in any case. I find it amusing to be referred to be the scum of the earth, where just simple crime stats show a completely different picture. I for one prefer to live in a country where the dealings with crime are so succesfull that jails are becoming more and more absolete.
Enjoy your threestrikes your out policies. I prefer to live in the positive.
Went to Amsterdam for a weekend and two of my friends were mugged at knife-point.
Most criminals work in Amsterdam because the tourists are there, the rest of the country is pretty boring.

In the Netherlands, the natives are about 75% op the population. In the USA 99% of the population is of immigrant decent.
I don't know about that, but most immigrants here are pretty harmless and have a job, I think criminal acts are done by (mostly native) drug addicts I think.
And to see that he thinks so much of himself he had a fake Time magazine cover made up with his face on it.
They sell those on the beach in AC...., near the cartoonists who do the funny portraits.
Not that I give a all.
Hillary is still sobbing on the couch, throwing ashtrays at Slick Willy, having a pity party for herself.... and that is all that matters...
They sell those on the beach in AC....
To sell to morons.
Who think they may be important.
Which Trump isn't.
But he acts like middle school boy.
Trying to make himself seem tough but he is nothing but an insecure bully.
With some mental issues.
He needs to focus more on the United States and less on himself.
He was elected President and he should act like one instead of early morning tweeting and cyber bullying.
He is supposed to represent our country.
Hopefully with dignity.
He can't even act dignified.
He acts like a petulant spoiled child who just lashes out.
It's funny.
Our president is the laughing stock of the world.
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