Donald Trump.

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Like I said Pota...mark them.
I think he's partial to being called Potty,Fred.
By withdrawing from the Paris Accord ,Trump puts on the list with other illustrious countries like Syria.
We all know how great that place is.
He's only doing it to take some spotlight from investigations into his ties to Russia.
Because he's basically ineffectual.
No Muslim ban.
No wall.
No swamp drained.
His own daughter is possibly a leaker.
He can't even make his own staff great.
So there's no way he can make anything great.
Hi, native American friend (?... I suppose you're not as disgustingly low as to steal a name that don't fit you)

Maybe you've been sucked in by the climate alarmists/fools/ignorant idiots:rolleyes: but here in America we are not other than a very violent and vocal minority. Glad:D to see this done so easily and a thumb in the eye of the Euro idiots. Why are they so unhappy? Because they were expecting us to pay most of the cost like in the UN. Now if they want it the burden its theirs!

Global warming is largely man-made. And the earth is not flat, and what you call "America", i.e. the United states of America (northern hemisphere) is not the navel of the world.

Denying global warming is like stating as a truth that the earth is flat, was made in 7 days, and Adam and Eve could ride on dinosaurs. Er... Mike Pence believes that ^^

Allahu akbar, Hare krishna, Halleluiah : BULLSHIT!

"...expecting us to pay most of the cost..." : more jobs are alredy created by green energy than by polluting industries: I'm from a family of miners. My granfather died of silicosis. Several of my uncles and cousins died of lung cancer. At least, we have a health system which is based on solidarity, those who have contribute for the have-nots.

Exxon say that Trump's withdrawal from the climate agreement is stupid: do you really think that Exxon are philanthopists ? No, they mean business, and Trump is stupid because he's making Americas' busibess back to the 17th century.

That clown is laughable, but I'm angry at all those who voted for such an ignorant, stupid, small-handed, bald elderly clown (fake hair!) who is jeopardizing our children's future, our children's lives, for a handful of votes, and his and his family's interests.

This man is a spoiled brat that has no common sense, no humanity, no concern for anyone else that his own little self, a puppet in the hands of lobbyists, an arrivist with no dignity.

Potawatomi13, will you be better off, and will the people around you be better off (that includes the "minorities") when smog is back again in you cities like it was in the 19th century, and only the rich can get medical care?

Do you have children?

I mean, do you live with them, care about them, or are they just a name on a check at the end of the month?...
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Great homo!:rolleyes:
So do you think Melania is a beard to hide the real Don?
Is all of Trumps acting like a ladies man on Access Hollywood just a big smoke screen?
I guess you might know.
And like you.
He is quite funny.
I saw Trump on America's Got Talent. He dances pretty good. Calls himself the dancing trump.
Plus he puts appearances in on Saturday Night Live at times.
All that plus being a comedian on every news channel.
He should have stuck to being an entertainer.
Because he cracks me up.
Like you do.
Keep up the good work.
No question about it....Trump is The Man

America and Most of the World Thankful...

North Korea, Syria, Iran, ISIS and all the Bad guys...all waiting for the next shoe to drop.

1/2 of USA Pro Trump

The other half is pro Kathy Griffin, the Wimpy half...

If the shoe fits wear it...
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Mike, I'll tie one arm behind my back to keep it a fair match...

I wonder where Vance is these days, he could be the Ref...

Mr. Wood has posted on the other thread "To our friends in the UK"
So, he is all right and still participating.
In view of the recent situation in Qatar and the visit of D. Trump in the Saudi Arabia, I would be interested to know your viewpoints on the following :

1) It is my belief that what Saudi Arabia did in reality is : that they had traded D. Trump's consent and silence on the issue of terrorism.
This is why US does not talk about terrorism coming from the Arabs' part!

2) Do you think that it is a mere coincidence that all the agitation against Qatar (very well known ISIS financier alike the Arabs) has come to the fore after D. Trump's visit to S. Arabia?
Uh oh!
James Comey.:eek:

James Comey & this entire Russian & Trump investigation is the most over-rated item in the Media and Washington DC....
The Left Wing Democrat Crazies just can't let it go and, of course, the Left Wing Media is just all a ga ga over the new Hearings & Bull Crap going on....

This is all Typical of how the LWL's are bringing down USA......./. but....

America continues to function in spite of itself.... Meaning the inept, Self Serving Congress & Senate are somewhat powerless to enact any Meaningful Legislation to further USA Domestically or Internationally...
James Comey & this entire Russian & Trump investigation is the most over-rated item in the Media and Washington DC....
The Left Wing Democrat Crazies just can't let it go and, of course, the Left Wing Media is just all a ga ga over the new Hearings & Bull Crap going on....

i dont give one crap about this whole russia thing. until they discover russia hacked something like the actual voting machines, or vote tallies - its crap as far as i am concerned. i dont see any difference between russia uncovering something on clinton and clinton hiring someone to uncover something on trump. all of this effort, time and money is being spent solely on politics and meanwhile our govt STILL isnt doing anything to improve our lives, create jobs, make us safer, solve health care issues etc.

our own media is just as guilty of "influence" as the social media trolls, leakers etc - but there is no accountability. and its not like either side of the aisle are honest.

bottom line - if you dont do dirt you dont have to worry about getting exposed for it.

if someone did dirt - its on them, not the ones who found them out.
So Comey who is somewhat of a disgruntled employee testified to vindicate trump concerning Russia, indicates in his opinion there was no obstruction, admit he leaked info(although not illegal as my understanding) and admitted he was influenced by Loretta Lynch.....

Do I have that right?
So Comey who is somewhat of a disgruntled employee testified to vindicate trump concerning Russia, indicates in his opinion there was no obstruction, admit he leaked info(although not illegal as my understanding) and admitted he was influenced by Loretta Lynch.....

Do I have that right?
Thats what i heard.....but i listened to the actual testimony and ignored the headlines.
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