Donald Trump.

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The environmentalist movement has been co-opted by the left .....real conservatives have always been good stewards of the instructed by God in the Bible.
There must not be many real conservatives, cause most people are a part of the problem. Waste, and pollution are a huge part of each person's life in the modern world. Add to that hobbies/recreation that add even more pollutants, and then realize most don't care.
There must not be many real conservatives, cause most people are a part of the problem. Waste, and pollution are a huge part of each person's life in the modern world. Add to that hobbies/recreation that add even more pollutants, and then realize most don't care.
Well, we can't all live in mud huts and wear burlap. ;)
No, but too often there is a cop out/joke, so everyone can carry on with life as they know it. If you calculated in North America just the amount of pollution from gas lawn tools, ATV's, dirt bikes, and fancy vehicles for car lovers, ìt would be insane. But people love their useless expanses of lawn to mow, and vehicles to ride around on. So that's why I don't buy a whole lot of people who claim to be conservationist.
No, but too often there is a cop out/joke, so everyone can carry on with life as they know it. If you calculated in North America just the amount of pollution from gas lawn tools, ATV's, dirt bikes, and fancy vehicles for car lovers, ìt would be insane. But people love their useless expanses of lawn to mow, and vehicles to ride around on. So that's why I don't buy a whole lot of people who claim to be conservationist.
My point is, no one I know is going out of their way to pollute anything except minds. that is what I am trying to convey to you, people aren't lacing up their boots thinking about how the can pollute. I would hope you understand I am talking about our ways of life that needlessly pollute land, air, water, and our ears.
Hello Mike, I just read your thread, Ignore lists and olive branches, and think it is very pertinent and all should read it and take note...
Also it shows great awareness and sensitivity on your part to admit that even you can change your ways, I applaud you for your Candor and Efforts...
Carry on... that is what I am trying to convey to you, people aren't lacing up their boots thinking about how the can pollute. I would hope you understand I am talking about our ways of life that needlessly pollute land, air, water, and our ears.
I read someone else complaining about gas powered yard equipment...
Is this the kind of thing you are talking about?
Because there is a strong case to be made for people who use electric powered equipment, including cars!, that require more power from the main grid, causing the power plant to burn more coal, or whatever they're burning...and create a larger "carbon footprint" than any gas powered stuff....
Couple that with the fact that there is crude oil bubbling to the surface on many places on our planet, which can create environmental hazards of its own, we might as well use it....

I need to say that I hate to use the term, "carbon footprint" because I know that carbon is not our enemy....but for lack of a better term....there it is.

Not to mention, to abandon oil, is to abandon everything that humanity has worked towards for centuries....
I can't get onboard with "regressivism". , just to get your attention, but not to discredit or argue with you. Okay :)

A few points --------- mud huts --------- modified wattle and daub -

This is how well you can use wattle and daub -

Electric car - 1900 ------ note car company

If you haven't noticed we have been tricked many times ------
want to look up refridgerators, batteries .....................

See where we were coerced to go left instead of right.
[ in the old days the left hand , the left side was the Devil's side.
Good Day
Anthony , just to get your attention, but not to discredit or argue with you. Okay :)

A few points --------- mud huts --------- modified wattle and daub -

This is how well you can use wattle and daub -

Electric car - 1900 ------ note car company

If you haven't noticed we have been tricked many times ------
want to look up refridgerators, batteries .....................

See where we were coerced to go left instead of right.
[ in the old days the left hand , the left side was the Devil's side.
Good Day
That's awesome!
Anyone see these advertisements?
Billionaire Tom Steyer is planning to spend 10 billion dollars in an effort to get the impeachment process started.
He also has a website called needtoimpeach.
Anyone see these advertisements?
Billionaire Tom Steyer is planning to spend 10 billion dollars in an effort to get the impeachment process started.
He also has a website called needtoimpeach.
They'll lock up someone from Trump's family on bogus charges, but Trump himself is safe.
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