As to Alain---arnt you glad he is not your President so why do you continue complaining about something that really means nothing to you? You don't seem to care about your own country, you just want to stick your ass the faces of those of us in America that do care about our own country and President Trump.
It does mean something to me, and billions of people too:
The USA is a very powerful country. Its government has regularly crushed democracies to preserve the interests of an oligarchy, while the decerabrate mob (amen) lined up to die for them. I won't give you examples, it's no use, I'm afraid that what you know from history is the tell-tales learnt from your churches, or imams, or hassidim rabbis - all the same but different.
us in America that do care about our own country": 100% of you in your country (who may be "great again" one day)
do care. You are just the kind of person who thinks that those who think differently are only worth the second amendment.
By the way, what's the reference to "George Soros" in one of your previous message? You're not anti-semitic, are you? Or are you not?
Not only do I care about my country, but I care about the rest of the world, which I think is a major difference between you and I.
You're exactly the kind of person that turned me away from religion because you're no better than those "islamists": unable to face reality, ready to swallow any nonsense from a "guru", or a "pastor", or an "imam".
What is realy, really pitiful is that you're ready to swallow lies from a crook just because he's a millionaire.
Pitiful. Really pitiful.
As for my country, I don't know anyone who carries a -bang-bang-bang- gun, either at home, at work, in the street, or for those of my friends who are religious, at church, at the synagogue, or at the mosque.
And yes, I'm glad "he" is not my president: I do care about my country, I do care about my people, I wouldn't want a rich imbecile to rule my country.
And the earth is not flat.
And global warming is man-made, and those stupid morons like DT who deny it to make more profit in their lifetime without caring about the consequences for their children are not only idiots, they're criminals (which isn't surprising in a land where guns are available as toys).
Friendly yours,