Donald Trump.

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So you are saying that you are an anarchist? Wow Mike! That's a craped on idea of how to go and a guarantee that the worst people with the worst intentions and the most money to buy weapons are going to crawel up your butt. Chairman Mao said it best: Government is rule through the barrel of a gun---- and that my friend is why we have a second amendment.
I'm just saying they're all bad. Not a good one in the bunch.
And if someone wants to crawl up my ass,they're welcome to try. I'm hard to hold down and can clench up like a vice.
I'm just saying they're all bad. Not a good one in the bunch.
And if someone wants to crawl up my ass,they're welcome to try. I'm hard to hold down and can clench up like a vice.
Last I heard, you're keeping a couple of trees up there until the spring thaw...
Last I heard, you're keeping a couple of trees up there until the spring thaw...
I need someplace to keep my zone envy trees.
Warm breezes. Fertilizer. Lots of moisture/humidity.
Zone 5 Chinese elms. It's getting crowded up in there but the place I work keeps me well bored out.
Trump a Huge Hit in Asia...Trump is the Man...Deceptively Wise.....
Who could possibly replace him in 2020, who has that kind of Strength...or will he go for 8....???


Bolero, I'm not sure at all that "Trump a Huge Hit in Asia".

Firstly, he spent a lot of time criticizing China in his campaign. Actually "criticizing" is an understatement, "insulting", or "provoking" would be more appropriate. And now, he's best friend with Xi Jingping?

What a joke! :p

Everyone knows that China owns billions of American dollars, they're holding the US by the balls and now, as we say in French "il baisse son froc", he's pulling his pants down (which, for such a vulgar millionaire is not surprising at all).

Well, as long as voters still trust him to make their lives great again...

"Deceptively Wise": an interesting oxymoron. I'll never trust anyone who deceives people, liars and false prophets. I tend to think that a country that puts to power such a character is doomed to face the truth one day.

"or will he go for 8....???"

Perhaps: if that's the case, the tourists will throw you peanuts for you to play cow-boys and indians for the show.

Friendly yours,

Alain ;)
Christians are not as stupid as you would like them to be; it's abaout time they decided to do something pragmatic for a change. As to Alain---arnt you glad he is not your President so why do you continue complaining about something that really means nothing to you? You don't seem to care about your own country, you just want to stick your ass the faces of those of us in America that do care about our own country and President Trump.
@Vance Wood I was more referring to the fact that he is so completely opposite of most core Christian values, but it seems like most prefer to pretend to be Christian.
@Vance Wood I was more referring to the fact that he is so completely opposite of most core Christian values, but it seems like most prefer to pretend to be Christian.
I suppose if we accept your view of what constitutes a true Christian you would be right but; we don't accept your point of view leaving you with the unenviable task of finding out what your views on Christianity really are, if you know, and trying to find the words to express them. Just because you call something something it does not make it so.
I suppose if we accept your view of what constitutes a true Christian you would be right but; we don't accept your point of view leaving you with the unenviable task of finding out what your views on Christianity really are, if you know, and trying to find the words to express them. Just because you call something something it does not make it so.
Does Trump fit your opinion of a good Christian?
I still can't get over how people decided to have Trump, a renowned shmuck, as President. Seems even weirder that he got support from certain Christians.
The majority of Americans wonder the same thing, and hope we make it through this ridiculous chapter in our history.
The majority of Americans wonder the same thing, and hope we make it through this ridiculous chapter in our history.
Indeed. Wanna say it again...he isn't bettering the image of the USA.
What irretates me the most is him playing tough. He plays the war games like he did real estate. He plays like he's got it all and nothing to loose. Arrogantly and Antagonisticly plays with the lives of his soldiers and people. His focus is out there threatening the world, not not with bettering his country...
He's not tough...soon they'll be calling his bluff...and what then...that's what's worrying me !!!
As to Alain---arnt you glad he is not your President so why do you continue complaining about something that really means nothing to you? You don't seem to care about your own country, you just want to stick your ass the faces of those of us in America that do care about our own country and President Trump.

It does mean something to me, and billions of people too:

The USA is a very powerful country. Its government has regularly crushed democracies to preserve the interests of an oligarchy, while the decerabrate mob (amen) lined up to die for them. I won't give you examples, it's no use, I'm afraid that what you know from history is the tell-tales learnt from your churches, or imams, or hassidim rabbis - all the same but different.

"us in America that do care about our own country": 100% of you in your country (who may be "great again" one day) do care. You are just the kind of person who thinks that those who think differently are only worth the second amendment. By the way, what's the reference to "George Soros" in one of your previous message? You're not anti-semitic, are you? Or are you not?

Not only do I care about my country, but I care about the rest of the world, which I think is a major difference between you and I.

You're exactly the kind of person that turned me away from religion because you're no better than those "islamists": unable to face reality, ready to swallow any nonsense from a "guru", or a "pastor", or an "imam".

What is realy, really pitiful is that you're ready to swallow lies from a crook just because he's a millionaire.

Pitiful. Really pitiful.

As for my country, I don't know anyone who carries a -bang-bang-bang- gun, either at home, at work, in the street, or for those of my friends who are religious, at church, at the synagogue, or at the mosque.

And yes, I'm glad "he" is not my president: I do care about my country, I do care about my people, I wouldn't want a rich imbecile to rule my country.

And the earth is not flat.

And global warming is man-made, and those stupid morons like DT who deny it to make more profit in their lifetime without caring about the consequences for their children are not only idiots, they're criminals (which isn't surprising in a land where guns are available as toys).

Friendly yours,

When you want to make a judgment on Christianity, seek God's voice, not that of us mortal men/woman...

I didn't make a "judgement": I acquired some critical thinking so I didn't think in terms of "ggod" (hallal, kosher, ...) or "bad" (haram, nonkosher, ...) but in terms of right or wrong.

I didn't make "a judgment on Christianity", there are so many christian churches. I live in a country where religious wars between different christian churches meant hundreds of thousands of people tortured and murdered, from the early ages of "christianity". Compared to today's population it might even have been millions.

Catholics murdering the cathars by the thousands, protestants and catholics killing each others in the name of god, shii and sunni, bhuddists (oh, so "zen"...) in Myanmar calling to exterminate all muslims, etc, etc. All religions suck.

So, as for "god's voice", if this voice means what all religions have led to, I'd rather be deaf and live in the real world to help my fellow human beings.

By the way, what's the reference to "George Soros" in one of your previous message? You're not anti-semitic, are you? Or are you not?

Don't worry Alain it's just one of the right wing conspiracy theories that George Soros is funding the liberal takeover of the world...some people need to invent a boogeyman to stir up the masses.
I suppose if we accept your view of what constitutes a true Christian you would be right but; we don't accept your point of view leaving you with the unenviable task of finding out what your views on Christianity really are, if you know, and trying to find the words to express them. Just because you call something something it does not make it so.

Well thankfully it's all written down so there is a kind of instruction book for those claiming to be christian. You know, love thy neighbor, forgive those who trespass, turn the other cheek, blessed are the meek, judge not etc. It really should be required reading for those claiming to be christian.
but in terms of right or wrong.
Yes you did, and that's why I "liked" your post.
Look all i'm trying to say is, God's voice and His truths are very different from the perverted actions of man over the ages.
I said Christians but actually meant those few who has really heard His voice, and truelly follows His voice....!
Most others are to loudly caught up in the theoretics of the scriptions...and then there is their own agendas.
Well thankfully it's all written down so there is a kind of instruction book for those claiming to be christian. You know, love thy neighbor, forgive those who trespass, turn the other cheek, blessed are the meek, judge not etc. It really should be required reading for those claiming to be christian.
Well said! I always found it funny that John the baptist and Jesus were pure left wing loonies, but the right wing "LOVE" them.
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