Donald Trump.

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Mike if we get to 150 pages, maybe Greg will create a new seat in the Bnut share holders board room...;) You be that man !!!
Really? Cause i said about 80 pages back somewhere that gun control wasnt the solution to violence. Addressing drug use and the related incarcerations as well as cultural impacts was the way to go. But that is NOT what most involved in BLM are about. You cant characterize everyone in the movement but most are intent on blaming everyone else for their own predicament, looking for freebies or trying to legitimize their violence.

What black need more than anything is to stop blaming everyone else and realize that they are responsible for their actions and their success in life. Until they do we will be having the same convo another ten years from now.
You mention ghettos. Tell me where you think i grew up and what color my skin is? Do u think im a Republican? Christian? Then ask yourself why would it matter.

It shouldn't but im sure folks on here have made assumptions based on my statements which is part of the problem. Everyone likes to lump people into neat categories based on stereotypes which is essentially racism and bigotry.
Honestly I don't assume. If I was asked I would say you didn't grow up in the ghetto based on your comments. I must have missed the previous post. I agree that gun control is not the solution to fixing poor crime ridden areas. I was very glad to see that post and that you actually care about trying to help solve the problem of drugs, crime and violence in the ghettos.
That is actually what people in the movement are trying to shed light on.
To just bash black lives matter and then move on like there is not a problem is wrong.
You said " what blacks need more then anything else is stop blaming people for their problems" then you said "everyone likes to lump people into neat little catagories and that is racism and bigotry" did you not just lump a whole race of people?
The reason I'm a dem is because of the inequality in america between the wealthy and the middle class/lower class. I feel like if the middle class was truly boosted up then the lower class would follow. The incentive would be that the middle class is obtaining the American dream. And the separation between poor and middle class wouldn't be negligible like it is today.
Honestly I don't assume. If I was asked I would say you didn't grow up in the ghetto based on your comments. I must have missed the previous post. I agree that gun control is not the solution to fixing poor crime ridden areas. I was very glad to see that post and that you actually care about trying to help solve the problem of drugs, crime and violence in the ghettos.
That is actually what people in the movement are trying to shed light on.
To just bash black lives matter and then move on like there is not a problem is wrong.
You said " what blacks need more then anything else is stop blaming people for their problems" then you said "everyone likes to lump people into neat little catagories and that is racism and bigotry" did you not just lump a whole race of people?
The reason I'm a dem is because of the inequality in america between the wealthy and the middle class/lower class. I feel like if the middle class was truly boosted up then the lower class would follow. The incentive would be that the middle class is obtaining the American dream. And the separation between poor and middle class wouldn't be negligible like it is today.
If the middle class is boosted up???
Please explain this....
What do you mean exactly?
No current democrat policy in existence helps the middle class at all, in fact, they hurt us.
That's a very dangerous misconception. To think that what you see is what you get with Donald trump is terribly wrong.
My previous job was in retail Managment. I've interviewed more then 1000 people and hired hundreds. Something I learned through experience is that the person you meet in the interview is the best version of the person. That person is giving you the very best impression they can give. So for example if your candidate shows up 5 minutes late and not dressed appropriately then don't think that you hire them that they won't be late and out of dress code.
Trump is giving us his very best impression and it's bad man, really bad.
I figured I'd pop in here on the eve of the end of one of the most ridiculous chapters in American history. Can't wait for Clinton to win tomorrow and for this trumpster fire of an election season to come to a close. Though of course, that will be followed by 4 more years of obstruction by the far right that will put this country further behind the rest of the world. Job well done, good ol' boys. Keep up the good work.

@M. Frary , you have too much time on your hands! Though I guess the appropriate follow-up to that would be, it's better than having too much of something else...I have to say, I caught your "bless your heart" response to someone a few days ago, and almost spit coffee all over my keyboard. That was hilarious. I don't think the recipient knew what you really meant.

I'm smarter than they are and they know it, so the only way to deal with "people like me" - are insults, exclusion and mockery.

Our democrat board members do right to not get involved. It's certainly more trouble than it's worth getting into ridiculous arguments with a few old gun-totin' farts spouting off about shit they don't understand, arguing with lies, rumors and racial slurs.

Good for you, Jeremy! As one of the liberal/progressive members of this forum, I tuned out most of these people quite a while ago. It's probably all entertainment to you, but trust me - if you were actually living it, it wouldn't seem so entertaining. We are constantly subjected to this mindless babble. On every forum that I'm a member of, any political topic at all is dominated by these loudmouths that you describe so eloquently (and accurately), spewing their venom filled lies and half-truths. And yet, Clinton is the liar. Go figure!

Dump Trump!
Dump Trump
I did earlier. He floated for a while but soon sank.
I realized the other day that no matter what happens or who likes which candidate I like all of the people on this forum better than Trump or Hillary.
It's only a presidential election and that these two candidates don't deserve getting riled up over.
And actually tring to figure out the correct way to word this post took longer than 10 of those other,off the cuff replies.
Bless your heart was one of my Grandmother's favorites.
And she used it like a club.
I did earlier. He floated for a while but soon sank.
I realized the other day that no matter what happens or who likes which candidate I like all of the people on this forum better than Trump or Hillary.
It's only a presidential election and that these two candidates don't deserve getting riled up over.
And actually tring to figure out the correct way to word this post took longer than 10 of those other,off the cuff replies.
Bless your heart was one of my Grandmother's favorites.
And she used it like a club.
<3 Awww that makes the comment even more dear to my heart. Gotta love our grandmothers. Mine was an ornery thing. Got herself in trouble a few times with my grandpa for it. Lol

And I'm certainly looking forward to November 9th. No matter who wins...I've got God watching my back.
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