Donald Trump.

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Bull crap, it's the compassion, empathy and common sense that keeps most dems on this site from responding.
There's really nothing compassionate or empathetical about generational welfare, and the soft bigotry of low expectations.
I'll tell you one thing that is "common sense" though,VOTER IDENTIFICATION LAWS.
Go ahead an explain why the democrats kick and scream, and fight tooth and nail to make sure that no one has to show ID to vote, and then the turn around and talk about the "sanctity of the vote"....please!
They don't want to eliminate deceased citizens from the voter registration rolls either.
Both of these are obvious ways that the democrats commit voter fraud. All dead people vote democrat, and criminal aliens don't have ID's, unless they're in MD.
They also fall back on their soft bigotry of low expectations and assume that black people can't get ID's because they're black, couldn't be more racist.
It's sick, you're sick if you support it.
Calling them Democratic is a misnomer, as is calling them Progressive.
Nice to see everybody hates America. Even some Americans!:confused:
A shame no candidate follows FDR's ideals of lifting up the lower class with things like the "New Deal". A nation is only as strong as it's weakest link.
Churchill? Any other pearls of wisdom from him from EIGHTY YEARS AGO? You know, something that translates into the world how it is today?
I find Halloween to be interesting and fun unlike the unwanted phone calls and door to door intrusions of politicians peddling lies for the most part. I was in politics in two states and happy to be out of it as the truth did not sell - it was a life lesson. Better to enjoy rather then worry -


Grimmy - isnt this in your neck of the woods? i'm shocked to see something other than the typical gun control approach being used. have any opinions or feedback on this?

In Baltimore, violence has become a near-daily occurrence. In 2015, for example, this city of more than 620,000 people saw 344 homicides. But by tackling violence as a public health issue, Baltimore is forging a new model for how to keep citizens safe.

In 2007 the city launched its Safe Streets program, modeled after the Cure Violence program in Chicago. Targeting high-risk youth, Safe Streets hires “violence interrupters” to mediate conflict before it has the chance to escalate into violence. These interrupters have often been incarcerated themselves in the past, which brings credibility and experience to their work on the streets.

In 2014 Safe Streets workers had 15,000 encounters with the public and mediated 880 conflicts, more than 80 percent of which were deemed to be likely or very likely to result in gun violence. Three of four program sites saw significant reductions in gun violence; homicides dropped by 56 percent in one neighborhood and by 26 percent in another. Surveys show that people in the program were significantly less likely to find it acceptable to use a gun to settle a conflict, compared with peers in other neighborhoods that did not have the program.

This year Safe Streets will expand to several Baltimore hospitals, where interrupters will help victims of violence—who are themselves often participants in dangerous conflicts—address the trauma they have experienced and navigate reentry into their communities. Although studies to date are small, evidence suggests that people enrolled in this kind of program are three times less likely to be arrested for a violent crime in the future.

But Baltimore's efforts go even further by dealing with factors that contribute to conflict—starting with one of its greatest contributors: addiction. More than 80 percent of individuals in jails have used illegal substances, and more than 30 percent were under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense.

Over the past year Baltimore has led one of the most aggressive opioid overdose prevention campaigns in the country. In October 2015 the Baltimore City Health Department declared overdose to be a public health emergency and issued a blanket prescription for naloxone—the lifesaving drug that reverses the lethal effects of opioids—for every one of the city's residents. The health department trained more than 8,000 people to use naloxone in 2015—in jails, public housing, bus shelters, street corners and markets.

The focus on preventing overdose is combined with a citywide commitment to better access to quality, on-demand drug treatment services and long-term recovery support. Recovery requires medication-assisted treatment, psychological support and wraparound services, which get teachers, clergy and other community members involved in supporting drug abusers. The health department has started a 24/7 hotline that connects people to mental health and substance abuse treatment. It has also launched a public education campaign, “Don't Die,” to educate citizens about overdose.

But intervening on the front end does not stop at addiction; the roots of violence often begin much earlier, in inequalities that have been present from early childhood and even birth. A decade ago the city's infant health ranked among the poorest in the country, with enormous disparities between black and white birth outcomes. In response, the health department led the creation of an evidence-based initiative, B'More for Healthy Babies, that offers extensive support services to mothers and that sends nurses and counselors on home visits to low-income families. The results have been extraordinary: within seven years infant mortality decreased by 28 percent to its lowest in Baltimore's history, the teen birth rate decreased by 36 percent, and the disparity between black and white infant deaths decreased by almost 40 percent.

Violence does not happen randomly or in isolation. It is one tragic, final result of inequities that continually build if left unaddressed. By treating it as a public health issue, it can be prevented—and, perhaps one day, even cured.
I'm surprised to see this from you. These types of issues and treating this as a public heath issue is exactly what Black lives matter is really about. People are all focusing on the police shootings but that is just a symptom. The movement is about investing in trying to fix these ghettos in whatever way possible, call it a public health issue or any number of ways. BLM is just trying to shed light on the fact that we as Americans cannot just leave these ghettos with no way for good people to get ahead. So they turn to drugs and criminal activity.
I'm surprised to see this from you. These types of issues and treating this as a public heath issue is exactly what Black lives matter is really about. People are all focusing on the police shootings but that is just a symptom. The movement is about investing in trying to fix these ghettos in whatever way possible, call it a public health issue or any number of ways. BLM is just trying to shed light on the fact that we as Americans cannot just leave these ghettos with no way for good people to get ahead. So they turn to drugs and criminal activity.

Really? Cause i said about 80 pages back somewhere that gun control wasnt the solution to violence. Addressing drug use and the related incarcerations as well as cultural impacts was the way to go. But that is NOT what most involved in BLM are about. You cant characterize everyone in the movement but most are intent on blaming everyone else for their own predicament, looking for freebies or trying to legitimize their violence.

What black need more than anything is to stop blaming everyone else and realize that they are responsible for their actions and their success in life. Until they do we will be having the same convo another ten years from now.
You mention ghettos. Tell me where you think i grew up and what color my skin is? Do u think im a Republican? Christian? Then ask yourself why would it matter.

It shouldn't but im sure folks on here have made assumptions based on my statements which is part of the problem. Everyone likes to lump people into neat categories based on stereotypes which is essentially racism and bigotry. 13th.....

Hillary can't do her husband right....
She can't do you right.

Behind closed she says nigga with an R.


Oh....she'll "fix it"....

Smile and come up with a NEW CRACK.

Drunk Disclaimer....

I'd rather be Ghetto than A Clinton.

Which way to New Zealand?
Can I swim it.?

Will Hillary control all the Great Whites so I can make it?

Are whites great at all?

Is $ the Devil?

If the Devil and Jesus switched roles....
Why would everything become so clear?

You were lied to.

And you believe it!

Black lives......
They never mattered. Why will they now?



God is sorting it out.....

The Jehovah's witnesses say 144,000 People will make it to the new Kingdom...

That puts over half of them in a position that is wasting their time.



Would be proud to be Mr. 144,001.

Aliens are real.

Jesus is the Sun.

The world trade Center was demolished for $.

Ants are smarter than humans.

The Hopi are correct.

Slave Nigga!

If I had any $ would I just be further veiled?

Would I be "happy"?

Oh shit....I said veiled....

Watch list!

Unless I spelled it wrong!

My kids were playing with some Muslim kids at the park the last 2 days.

They freaked on digging for worms!


There's really nothing compassionate or empathetical about generational welfare, and the soft bigotry of low expectations.
I'll tell you one thing that is "common sense" though,VOTER IDENTIFICATION LAWS.
Go ahead an explain why the democrats kick and scream, and fight tooth and nail to make sure that no one has to show ID to vote, and then the turn around and talk about the "sanctity of the vote"....please!
They don't want to eliminate deceased citizens from the voter registration rolls either.
Both of these are obvious ways that the democrats commit voter fraud. All dead people vote democrat, and criminal aliens don't have ID's, unless they're in MD.
They also fall back on their soft bigotry of low expectations and assume that black people can't get ID's because they're black, couldn't be more racist.
It's sick, you're sick if you support it.
Calling them Democratic is a misnomer, as is calling them Progressive.
What about the decrease in voting booths for low income areas. Huge decreases in the past 4 years in low income areas. Makes it almost impossible to vote. The same areas where people are all paid by the hour and they have to wait in line all day to vote. Losing out on a days pay. Malarkey!
Such language - theres no place for that malarkey on here!!! Keep it civil doggone it.
I almost typed malarkey and thought it wasn't quite enough. Ha!
The crime and shooting, and murder is all on the rise right now, because since about January 20, 2009, Hussain Obama has done nothing but spew hateful rhetoric towards police.
Police are quitting in mass, and the ones that aren't have their hands are tied by Obama's DOJ.
This is all part of the Progressive's plan to disrupt the social order in America, to the point that they can declare Marshall Law and really take shit over.
Quite rabid tonight, I see.

You'll blow a blood vessel like this, you know.
ISIS is a creation of the American Government.....

I've had 37 people pinch me.....

But alas......

This ShIt is REALLY happening.

Brace yourselves!

We are beyond screwed!

I'm going to prison.....just to be a part or something!

Slave Nigga!

I'm not sure what you're on, but it's almost certainly illegal in 35 states.
He also says in his book that he swam the mighty Apies river. I grew up playing in it. Its nothing but a stream that flows from a fountain....:eek:
NO! A politician exaggerating the truth!???

No wonder they're not trusted.
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