I'm not being a parrot, just a student. If you think that I only have internet access to back up my knowledge, you're wrong. I've been doing bonsai with my father (president of the Bonsai Society of St. Louis) since 2008. I've studied on and off with Mike Hagedorn since 2010, worked at Dave Kreutz's nursery for 3 summers, and recently joined a study group here in Connecticut with Boon. That being said, I feel like I still don't know a lot, which is why I consider myself a student. I've never said I was a master, and never will.
The reason why I post links when I comment is because I want to provide a source (from someone extremely reputable) to back up my information. I would never suggest something that I haven't done or wouldn't do myself.
I openly acknowledge that I'm currently a parrot in my level of bonsai training, and proud to be one at the moment. The best students in any medium copy their teacher for many years. An apprentice in Japan calls his teacher "Oyakata", which translates to lord and master. Apprentices in any art do exactly what their teacher does. At first they might not fully understand why, but eventually they do. Only when one can truly copy and mimic their teacher can they begin to pave their own path. I'm currently in the student-copying phase of my bonsai journey. Next year I'm planning to pursue bonsai on a very intense level, where I'll be copying a teacher almost every day to learn exactly what he does, but more on that in a couple months.
I don't know what I did to upset you so much John, but I hope we can one day be friendly toward each other. I have nothing against you, and I'm sorry to hear that you and others are so offended by me and my posts.
Andrew... I don't dislike you...quite the contrary as Sawgrass suggests...we need passion like yours in bonsai... I damn sure wouldn't waste my time posting to you if I didn't see your potential...
However, it really seems like you are missing/ignoring the point...
Several times now I have asked you to be original...to share YOUR experiences, successes, failures, etc... to add to the collective knowledge...
you seem to think we have all been living in a hole. That we don't read, that we all need to be professionals in the world of bonsai, that its cool to be a name dropping, spoiled brat...and I strongly suspect that the truth is you don't even care for trees on a daily basis...do you???
Its kind of like this buddy....you can read 1000 books or blog posts or whatever on how to ride a bike...but you still can't actually ride a bike until you get on one and ride it.... your posts, always referring to someone else's work, techniques, experience etc..., make you come across as a reader and not a doer... (my definition of an Internet Bonsai Master)
It is just like your Bonsai Herald site...why would anyone bother to go to a source that has no original content and only regurgitates what others have already posted elsewhere???? Let me let you in on a little secret...we all read those blogs already. So who exactly is your perceived audience?? See any parallels to what you post here??
I understand you are an accomplished musician...that is very admirable...I am sure you have 1000's of hours behind you in practice. The people you respect in the world of music..Do they only play/reference/talk about other people's music or do they ever create/write/perform their own music??? I think there is a parallel to doing bonsai...those who do earn respect, those who only copy others...not so much. I think your teacher is a perfect example of this...
All I have tried to convey to you is that you need to be a doer...then folks might be willing to take your advice and offer you some respect. Respect is earned by what you do, not by who you parrot or what you own, or who you know!