Well, I've been waiting for some other pics of deciduous natives. Surely there must be others out there. While we wait, I decided to put up a pic of my old beech. Collected 27 years ago it's beginning to get there. As someone said earlier in this post, it takes long time to build these things. Roughly 2 more years and it's ready for a pot. Mainly working on the bottom right side main branch, it's got to thicken just a tad more. As you already know, american beech is apical dominant, so keeping low branches strong is essential. Since it's finally dormant I'll get pruning and shaping done in the next few days and I'll repost it here. It came from a 20 footer taken down to a 16 inch stump with no branching whatsoever. After shaping it will measure 30 tall, 26 wide. Rootage is 13 inches at soil level and the trunk measures 4 1/2 inches just above the roots. Let's see some others folks. Thanks..................SK
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