California Juniper finally ready for show

Why is it, I come to enjoy some trees and how they got it there, and all I see is bickery and how people need to put their labels on things? Trees can live hundred of year and be in multiple generations, why do we feel the need to voice such petty things to a thing of beauty, that is a living thing and deserves respect and not, "I did this so, I'm better then you". When your dust in the ground, do you really think the tree cares how it can to be? Americans fail this aspect of bonsai so bad, and as I'm learning( I'm not perfect) I feel the Japanese get this aspect of respect so much better then us.

I bet you can go on a lot of threads that do not go the way this one has. In all honesty you can see what you want to see. It is like TV if you don't like the show change the channel.
Great tree, great transformation & vision.
And of course, anyone who has ever attended a good workshop can relate to the value of having an other eye look at your trees every once in a while. And if you trust the eyes and have plenty of other trees to work, why not accept the helping hand, hey!

Sell myself short because I freely admit I'm a Boon student?
I don't pretend to have invented any bonsai techniques. Or discover any.
I share what I've learned.

Going out on a limb here.. I guess what was meant: At some point you will have aplied and tested the things that you were taught. Found them to work. Then you can also use your own voice, rather than using Boon as a stick to give value to the opinion. By using "Boon sais.. " it can come across as: "I am not certain whether it works, but someone once told me".

Boon is an actual name? I thought is was someones nickname on the forum .. :rolleyes:
Holy smoke man. Go back and reread your post. Why are you so angry.

What makes you think anger is the reason I wrote that?

Individual claims to have sent images by email. Individual claims the trees were sold, when he feels himself cornered. How would anyone who allegedly bought these trees know the trees were even available if they did not frequent this forum?

Were you under the impression that no one sells stuff outside BNut? What if I told you that this forum is not the exclusive means for someone who wishes to part with a tree to find a taker, and that sometimes, i.e., most of the time, people offer their stuff simultaneously here, around their clubs, on Craigslist, Facebook and eBay, and that you can sell almost anything almost immediately if the price is right?

As to your other alegations how about cut and past examples?

An invitation to waste my time cutting and pasting your words? The last time I did that, you dismissed the cut and paste of your quotes as something "spoken by another authority of questionable credibility" because my post count was too low. So I'm quite sure that, confronted with your own words again, you'll just resort a second time to an ad hominem attack. I'll pass, thanks. The list of better things to spend my time on is very long.
What makes you think anger is the reason I wrote that?

Were you under the impression that no one sells stuff outside BNut? What if I told you that this forum is not the exclusive means for someone who wishes to part with a tree to find a taker, and that sometimes, i.e., most of the time, people offer their stuff simultaneously here, around their clubs, on Craigslist, Facebook and eBay, and that you can sell almost anything almost immediately if the price is right?

An invitation to waste my time cutting and pasting your words? The last time I did that, you dismissed the cut and paste of your quotes as something "spoken by another authority of questionable credibility" because my post count was too low. So I'm quite sure that, confronted with your own words again, you'll just resort a second time to an ad hominem attack. I'll pass, thanks. The list of better things to spend my time on is very long.
I could address your above ranting point by point but unless we can have some reasonable and objective dialogue it will be a wast of time.
If it was that long we wouldn't have to read your replies
Are you like the thread police. Because you sure act like it.

Actually, you don't have to read my replies either way. Feel free to put me on ignore.

I could address your above ranting point by point but unless we can have some reasonable and objective dialogue it will be a wast of time.

There are only a couple of very succinct points there, Vance, so it wouldn't be hard, but I concur with your conclusion that it wouldn't lead to reasonable and objective dialogue. We'd probably disagree as to why it wouldn't, but that probably doesn't matter much.
For those who've been wondering what the boon is:
Cool. Seeing his trees I realize I at least know his work. Great stuff. Some of his junipers would look good next to the tree discussed in this post! ;)
This thread really is ridiculous. Can I get my 5 minutes back from reading it?

I actually think it shows a lot of humility from guys like Eric and Adair who actually want to bring out the absolute best in their trees by working with others that may be more skilled than they are. Eric is clearly very skilled from the body of work he has posted, but the subtle tweaks that Matt Reel made to his juniper I think elevated the tree a notch or two. Would it be incredibly gratifying to take a seed, grow it and turn it into an Artisan's Cup winner? Sure. Would it not also be really gratifying to own and care for a tree for years, and work with others to maximize the potential of the tree? I think so.

Frankly, the people on this thread that have been critical of Eric and Adair could probably use a session with Matt Reel to improve their trees. Maybe we can take up a collection for them.
Cool. Seeing his trees I realize I at least know his work. Great stuff. Some of his junipers would look good next to the tree discussed in this post! ;)

This was the point I was trying to make when the thread went side ways. I know Eric does excelent work. That point was missed by a vocal few.
This thread really is ridiculous. Can I get my 5 minutes back from reading it?

I actually think it shows a lot of humility from guys like Eric and Adair who actually want to bring out the absolute best in their trees by working with others that may be more skilled than they are. Eric is clearly very skilled from the body of work he has posted, but the subtle tweaks that Matt Reel made to his juniper I think elevated the tree a notch or two. Would it be incredibly gratifying to take a seed, grow it and turn it into an Artisan's Cup winner? Sure. Would it not also be really gratifying to own and care for a tree for years, and work with others to maximize the potential of the tree? I think so.

Frankly, the people on this thread that have been critical of Eric and Adair could probably use a session with Matt Reel to improve their trees. Maybe we can take up a collection for them.
Ya know'---- what people are you reffering to. At least have the courage to name them.
I bet you can go on a lot of threads that do not go the way this one has. In all honesty you can see what you want to see. It is like TV if you don't like the show change the channel.

Not really, just proves my point. Threads that highlight the tree don't required such comments. There are just enough of these ones that it's noticeable.
I think this is a great thread and it's great to see everyone getting along so well. From what I read everyone likes and enjoys the tree. Harmony at last on bnut. Wait let me reread the whole thing again.- I'll be right back.
The best thing is the op checking in to say I'm off to go backpacking for a week - you guys enjoy. Love it.

Ps. I would've liked to see those pics of the trees that member was selling also.

Pss. The only way someone in this area will work on your trees is if you pay them. You can buy styled trees of theirs. Or they will give you advice on yours but you have to do the work yourself.
Taking a week vacation to hippie it up with a backpack........? Now tell me.....whozza' wadda' da'
Amazing transformation !!!!!
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