BonsaiNut 2.0 SUGGESTIONS Thread

It is a steep learning curve, even for me. I've been using the site software for three weeks and I still find myself losing my place, or looking in the wrong spot for a function that used to exist in a certain spot on BonsaiNut 1.0. For me, however, the pain is well worth the benefits - particularly with respect to image management and mobile/tablet accessibility.

This is a piece of cake compared to upgrading OS (Windows, in particular).

I like 2.0 a lot.

You made the right decision, Mr. Administrator.
I'm sorry Don, really I am. I know that nothing I do is going to please 100% of our members. If I'm lucky, I'll please 90%, annoy 5%, and really piss off 5%.

It is a steep learning curve, even for me. I've been using the site software for three weeks and I still find myself losing my place, or looking in the wrong spot for a function that used to exist in a certain spot on BonsaiNut 1.0. For me, however, the pain is well worth the benefits - particularly with respect to image management and mobile/tablet accessibility.

I'm not trying to discount your opinion or change it. Rather I want you to understand that I thought long and hard before making the move. The old site software was dead. Some of the elements I used to build it were no longer being supported or updated. I was using duct tape to hold it together. You may remember one year ago I was building the site back from scratch because it had gotten compromised/hacked - due to a security hole in the underlying software. I think we are in a much better place now - but yes, it is confusing and frustrating at times. I hope you will encounter a few pleasant surprises to make up for it.

I respect your decision 100%, and I fully appreciate all the time and effort you put into hosting and maintaining this site.

I'm sure the new site is a huge improvement and completely necessary, and I'm just obsolete.
Is there a way to put the residence under the name like before? I used to like looking where everyone was from now you have to click the name on phones at least.
I'm sure the new site is a huge improvement and completely necessary, and I'm just obsolete.

No, you're just normal. No one likes change just for the sake of changing. I had to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for the work needed to make the move for about three months :) But the reality is that we all know a number of bonsai sites that have died because they didn't keep their technology platform updated. I can't get people to trust the site to post great articles and put time into developing galleries and multi-year development threads if they think the site might get hacked or crash any day.
Is there a way to put the residence under the name like before? I used to like looking where everyone was from now you have to click the name on phones at least.

It is definitely there Max - you just have to have a wide enough display. Try turning your phone sideways... It shows up on tablets and desktops...
LOl thats a pic of me when my work flooded up to my knees outside thats a car next to me. It's just horribly pixalated it looks bad. To find the threads you started it goes

click you name(top right corner)-your profile page-information tab-threads started by you!
I cannot help but say that I wonder why one would follow so many threads - are you a thread hoarder? :eek:
As I said before, I used that function to update the threads, it's sort of my journal of my tree progressions. Remember tree progressions??? Well I do, and I think they are very useful, as opposed to posting throw away threads.
It's not the most intuitive location, but...

If you pull up your profile page, under the "information" tab you can selection "find all content by..." or "find all threads by..."
Got it, thanks. I also use this to look at the work of some of the older members who are not so active (or are gone) on the site, there is a gold mine if you look.
I haven't read all of the comments, so this may have been brought up already... But is there a way to simply find all of my old threads? We used to have a few tabs: "latest posts", and latest topics." No I see "my content", but I don't see a way to restrict it to simply my threads instead of wading through pages and pages of posts.
It's not the most intuitive location, but...

If you pull up your profile page, under the "information" tab you can selection "find all content by..." or "find all threads by..."
Hey Dan, what are you some kind of thread hoarder??:D:p
(this will make sense if you read the last page or so of posts... )
But it's still there.
Hey Bnut, when I pick a quote to put in my reply, it stays on the page of the quote instead of the last page of the thread. Sometimes I like to refer to the last few posts while I'm making my reply, but if I go to that page, (after choosing the quote) the quotation from the other page is lost.
Hey Bnut, when I pick a quote to put in my reply, it stays on the page of the quote instead of the last page of the thread. Sometimes I like to refer to the last few posts while I'm making my reply, but if I go to that page, (after choosing the quote) the quotation from the other page is lost.

Try this. Instead of clicking on reply, right click on it and chose "open in a new tab" or "open in a new window". As long as you have your reply open in another window you should be able to surf to other content in the site and the reply will not erase until you close that window.
Try this. Instead of clicking on reply, right click on it and chose "open in a new tab" or "open in a new window". As long as you have your reply open in another window you should be able to surf to other content in the site and the reply will not erase until you close that window.
Yes this works, open in tabs is a bit easier to switch around.
So far, the change has turned me off to this site. Maybe I'm just old and don't like change, but I don't like it.

At first I thought the same thing Don so don't feel like you are alone. Didn't like it. Too busy and complicated. The fonts are too small. Hard to read. The buttons are too small for my fingers. I didn't care for the Alerts. I hate Alerts. Now I just wait for them and use them to reply to whoever had replied to my post. Still annoying little red thingy, but a little more useful.

Thanks to BNut (and the Team of testers) for making the jump to 2.0, and for having the foresight to do it even when the old site seemed to be doing alright.
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I'm sorry Don, really I am. I know that nothing I do is going to please 100% of our members. If I'm lucky, I'll please 90%, annoy 5%, and really piss off 5%.

It is a steep learning curve, even for me. I've been using the site software for three weeks and I still find myself losing my place, or looking in the wrong spot for a function that used to exist in a certain spot on BonsaiNut 1.0. For me, however, the pain is well worth the benefits - particularly with respect to image management and mobile/tablet accessibility.

I'm not trying to discount your opinion or change it. Rather I want you to understand that I thought long and hard before making the move. The old site software was dead. Some of the elements I used to build it were no longer being supported or updated. I was using duct tape to hold it together. You may remember one year ago I was building the site back from scratch because it had gotten compromised/hacked - due to a security hole in the underlying software. I think we are in a much better place now - but yes, it is confusing and frustrating at times. I hope you will encounter a few pleasant surprises to make up for it.

I like how you take the time out and explain things in such a nice way to some old cranky bastard. ;)
In my line of work, you have to go with the "progress" flow, or you'll drown. I don't like the new consoles that are out there, but I have to learn them. I've found that if you just force yourself to use something over and over, it will become the new normal, and you'll get over it. I too think the old site was great, and less busy. But it was also slow and crashed and apparently wasn't easy to maintain. I'm happy to have a site like this to come to, so I'll get over it too. I just wish the alerts would clear themselves after I look at the posts, they only clear if I go to look at the alerts.
I'm not sure if anyone else is having the same issues I'm having but I figured I'd ask. Occasionally, when I open the Nut, I get the loading spinner on the tab but the site doesn't fully load. I see the home page and the "Info Window" is progressing through the announcements but the page locks up. I can't even open another tab. In the end, I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of it. Then most of the time when I go back in it there's no problem. Just wondered if I was the only one experiencing this?
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