Your BonsaiNut 3.0 Site Suggestions here?

I used to refuse to use emojis up until last year , what happens when around a woman all the time !

They are pretty fun now lol
I don't too much mind the Adidas like three stripes.
Once the forums tab is open, it stays open and another thumb click right there does it for new posts.

View attachment 175027

I still think a visitor map, to locate our closest climate relatives, is the most Bonsai useful features we could have.

They say follow people who's trees you like...
That has been killing my trees for six years!

Better to follow people close to you with LIVE UGLY trees and be smart enough to make em pretty!
Than to follow people with nice trees whose methods don't work for your climate!

I second this. A way to see who is bonsai nut around you.
All that did for me was magnify the page. Isn't there someway to make emojis easily accessible like smileys?

this fixed it for me. it gives you the on screen keyboard popup that you can choose emojis from.
Emojis are integrated into most phone and tablet keyboards, as well as Macs.

To use them on a Windows PC, you have to access them via the Windows "Touch Keyboard".
(1) Right click on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
(2) When the menu pops up, put a check next to "Show touch keyboard button"
(3) You will now see a tiny keyboard show up in your taskbar. Left click on it once.
(4) The touch keyboard will pop up, and if you are using a touch screen device, you can type on it. Or, if you are using a mouse, you can click on the buttons. Most PC users would prefer to use their physical keyboards, HOWEVER if you click on the little smiling face, you will open the list of emojis... and you can use them on Bonsai Nut ?
All that did for me was magnify the page. Isn't there someway to make emojis easily accessible like smileys?
HOLD BOTH KEYS on opposite sides of the '+' sign ! :oops:
window-pane key + . or window-pane +
Window-pane AND period
or window-pane AND semicolon

easy peasy
are you kidding with me? New posts are ON the home page
THey are on the homepage of the forums. They are not on the homepage of the nuthouse "".
So when going to the website, you first have to go to the forums.
THey are on the homepage of the forums. They are not on the homepage of the nuthouse "".
So when going to the website, you first have to go to the forums.
there is a list of "Latest Posts" on the homepage
and at the bottom of the list there is a "View More" button to click to see more
Nope. The latest activities show all the acvtivities, not forum posts.

If you upgrade the 28.8k modem to 56k you should see a significant increase in speed. I have some extras at work I could send you. Anything to help out an old guy. ;)
On my computer I still see the old format unlike my phone. I'm sure the modem will catch up by the end of the week.
Any chance the lightning bolt could be new posts instead of what's new?
There should be a navigation bar that allows you to page forward or back both at the top AND the bottom of the thread list.

Sweet lord a'mighty! Those are some huge ads on my cell phone! I am going to have to reformat them they take up WAY too much space and make it hard to see the web site! They don't look nearly so bad on the PC!

Nope, that navigation bar is not there on my phone. This weekend I'll try updating the OS on my phone, it's been asking me to for years and I never do. I'm thinking that will probably sort me out.
On my computer I still see the old format unlike my phone. I'm sure the modem will catch up by the end of the week.
Gilligan out back pedaling the generator too?
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