B, perhaps I should have said, we only do Tai Chi for health.
There are books with Chen Man Ch'ing showing the uprooting etc. but
our grandparents only did what you see the elderly doing in the Chinese parks.
Plus Trinidad, is actually a very quiet island, South and Central of the island uses Cutlass Fu, so fighting is
low. North is more prone to gallerying and fighting.
I have never seen a crime on this island with my eyes [ in public ]
Thus the hard styles are popular in North, we grow Bonsai

Good Day
* Cutlass Fu is an Indian Style of fighting - where a Cane cutter takes a cutlass and chops you.
If you are a pest, you end up headless in the canefield.
Not too much violence after that
Mike - first rule of Kung Fu, ----------- avoid a fight or just run away.
Second rule ------- make every blow count - incapacitate.i
Third rule ------------ it's not a Kung Fu movie --------- ie. Secret Rivals parts 1 and 2.