Stop trying to change the subject first of all. I said it is difficult to make a tree out of young and small trees. In this case rooted cuttings. Not one time did I disagree with your lesson and I still don’t. I already did my up-and-comings decades ago. The line thing I do in my head, first thing I do is check the bones and see what there is. I want to see Rick apply the lines to his little junipers and admire the improvements.
The SUBJECT is trees, and how to improve them. If you have something to add to this thread or pictures of your work to show us some validation of your mouth, I'm open. Please take the opportunity and post them up here for us to see. Rick Posted his. I post mine.
Post 18 Nov. 2016
Well if your goal was to run me off. It worked. I am officially done here. If you wanted to teach me something you could have done it without my name in the title.
I don't think he's coming back.
This is my thread. I started it. I feel every post here is addressed to me. Not hard to understand...right? And...I'm not mad at all. Just disappointed at youth today. If your not a youth, then your acting like one. Have a little more respect for people older than you and obviously more talented.Calling me a big mouth is totally uncalled for, totally. I don’t even know what you’re mad at. Wow. I gave complement to your trees, not that it has anything to do with the question I asked at all which wasn’t even addressed to you in the first place or about your trees. You’re mad because I think making good trees out of small stuff is difficult? Hey guess what, I think Bonsai as a whole is super duper difficult.
Biting peoples heads off for asking a question is very unprofessional. You seriously do need to chill out. I left this formun and all the others about 10 years ago and now already I’m so so sorry I ever came back. I didn’t attack you in anyway so take that ego out for a breather and have a reality check.
Wow I apoligise I had no idea you were such a long time bonsai doer. After ten years you should have some pretty great stuff. I know for the few I have that are ten years old they have come a long ways. Most of my trees are way less than ten years. Most about 7 to 8. I would love to see some of your older ten year old trees.
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