Spuds Moyogi
I don't think retirees are the target here. It is 20 somethings looking for a profession. This job is probably too physically demanding for most folks over 65 and retired.Thanks for that link, I had no idea the FLSA decided that interns for "for profit" organizations could be categorized as "may be not "employees"". Which in my mind is ridiculous. Also, that "test" leaves a lot of open ground for the FLSA to change their decision if they conduct an analysis and feel like the intern is an actual employee.
I don't know, I guess that a 20 yr old that their family can support while doing this would be fine, but the responsibility that is requested by Bjorn is not aimed at 20 yr old's, at least not from this generation (yes, there are a few exceptions). I guess he will need an apprentice that is retired or have money and no obligations, or someone that, as I said before can be supported by his/her family while they do this apprenticeship.
Bjorn and Ryan cut loose and went to Japan at that age. This path is well-worn for younger people--The apprentice program at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum has been filled with younger people. It has had several folks who went on to become 'professionals.'