Bjorn’s Single Flush Pine technique explained!

I can be done either way. In fact, in the video Bjorn does it with both scissors and fingers.

Some candles will be more “open”, with needles spacedfarther apart than others. Those might be easier to do with fingers.

The tree Bjorn was working on looked like it had pretty strong growth, all over. The candles look strong. This can happen when it’s been well fertilized, or when it’s been recently repotted and the roots are growing fast into fresh soil, or when it finds itself in a more favorable climate! Or any combination of them! A tree that hasn’t been repotted in several years, been lightly fertilized, etc, may have candles that aren’t nearly thhs strong.

I have a JWP, well ramified, hasn’t been repotted in a couple years, that is putting out new candles, but it’s been balanced for years. And it just doesn’t need any pinching!

Here’s a picture:

View attachment 298155

And a close up of the candles:

View attachment 298156

I have not had to pinch a single candle on this tree, this year. This tree has been in refinement for decades. Every couple years, the pads need to have the wire taken off and replaced, but that’s just normal maintenance with any pine.
@Adair M when you said that you did not need to pinch any of the candles on this particular tree this year how does that work? Won't the candles extend and make the silhouette larger? Or do you go back in fall and cut back to the original silhouette?
he gentlemanly thing


But where was your gentlemanly reply to my polite inquiries?

I don't understand the need to remove so much energy production.

Seems quite counterproductive.

A gentleman's response would have been...

"Interesting observation Sorce, why do you feel that is so?"

And I would have remained gentlemanly.


"It may seem counterproductive, but in fact it's not...."


But you jumped into my then conversation with Walmart.
And opened to me impolitely.

Treat others how you wish to be treated.

You must not be from the South, cuz I know southern Grannies that'll have your hide for that lip and impolite attitude.

I'm starting to feel this is someone else posting using the "sorce" handle. A moderator is going nuclear! :eek::(

Peculiar indeed

Mr sorce, you don't demand someone interact with you a certain way that befit you. Think about it. Your "polite" responses can be interpreted as rude by others.

Might be best if you elaborate more on your post #3. Even at this moment you still don't know why he reduced so much energy. Can you explain what you would do to that pine?
@sorce I've watched your continued negative responses over and over to not just @Adair M , but anyone that doesn't see things your way.
Are you not a moderator on this forum? If so, I am tired of your constant criticisms and you should stop the negative banter.
I sure I'll get a nasty reply. Just my opinion. Sorry.
@Bonsai Nut Please put an end to this!!
@Adair M when you said that you did not need to pinch any of the candles on this particular tree this year how does that work? Won't the candles extend and make the silhouette larger? Or do you go back in fall and cut back to the original silhouette?
If you look at the candles, they’re all small, and uniform. When they develop, the needles they will produce will be about equal the the ones on the pine now. And the old ones will fall off beginning in late summer. So, the tree is essentially in equilibrium right now. Does the tree get marginally larger? Yes, by about 1/4 to 1/2 inch all around. Does it bowed to get cut back to compensate? Maybe. Over a couple years, yes, the tree would need a cut back. But not every year. Maybe every 4 or 5 years it’s necessary.

I’m planning on restyling this tree. It has a second front that would completely change the look! It’s been the way it is for 20 years. Next spring, a year from now, I might change it.
I don't understand the need to remove so much energy production.

Seems quite counterproductive.

I agree with Sorce abort his question. I, myself, have been an educator for more than 35 years, so I think I have some experience in teaching or showing the subjects to the learners. I believe the basic knowledge is very important. If we have strong base, we can solve whatever tackles which we may face.

In the video, if Bjorn could have clarified this technique was used for the old, nearly finished tree, and explained why he did, no one would question!
Thụ Thoại
I agree with Sorce abort his question. I, myself, have been an educator for more than 35 years, so I think I have some experience in teaching or showing the subjects to the learners. I believe the basic knowledge is very important. If we have strong base, we can solve whatever tackles which we may face.

In the video, if Bjorn could have clarified this technique was used for the old, nearly finished tree, and explained why he did, no one would question!
Thụ Thoại
I thought Bjorn was pretty clear that he was working on an old, mature tree, and his goal was to balance the energy. He mentioned that the strong candles were just that, strong, and he wanted to keep the tree contained.
@sorce I've watched your continued negative responses over and over to not just @Adair M , but anyone that doesn't see things your way.
Are you not a moderator on this forum? If so, I am tired of your constant criticisms and you should stop the negative banter.
I sure I'll get a nasty reply. Just my opinion. Sorry.
@Bonsai Nut Please put an end to this!!

Just point out where, so I can point out the correction.
If you still disagree, we will continue figuring a remedy.

I thought Bjorn was pretty clear that he was working on an old, mature tree, and his goal was to balance the energy. He mentioned that the strong candles were just that, strong, and he wanted to keep the tree contained.
I meant he should have said this technique should be done on the old tree only, not for the young one . It should be very clear ! 😊
Thụ Thoại
solve whatever tackles which we may face.

Thank you sir, apologies for a meeting in polluted waters.

I am still, trying to have us thinking, of a possible hurdle/tackle, that may still be unseen.

The discussion, I would hope, would serve to bring to light, wether there is in fact, unseen hurdles.

Shame we can not get to the discussion segment.

The Group, left flailing in the same water.

I am not the Shark.

Thank you sir, apologies for a meeting in polluted waters.

I am still, trying to have us thinking, of a possible hurdle/tackle, that may still be unseen.

The discussion, I would hope, would serve to bring to light, wether there is in fact, unseen hurdles.

Shame we can not get to the discussion segment.

The Group, left flailing in the same water.

I am not the Shark.

Not at all Sorce.
I agree with you. Only through discussion, we can find out which one is the best for our situation.
Thụ Thoại
Where? This?

That's the closest thing to that I said.
And that is far from false or final.

post #23. This is what you said-
I can apply my techniques to his collection and make it better.
You were speaking about Bjorns trees. I don't think that even you believe this.
I think that someone needs to moderate the moderator at this point, so much negativity here, but also so much information and good information. If we are not careful, we will loose some good people from the forum with this type of crap. (I know of at least one person who has already left because of this very thing)
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I meant he should have said this technique should be done on the old tree only, not for the young one . It should be very clear ! 😊
Thụ Thoại
Bjorn said this was a 40 year old tree. Anyone can see it’s mature. All the discussion was about “balancing”, not development.

This was a free video on a limited subject “how to pinch single flush pines”. It’s not intended to be a comprehensive course about everything there is to know about bonsai.
Bjorn said this was a 40 year old tree. Anyone can see it’s mature. All the discussion was about “balancing”, not development.

This was a free video on a limited subject “how to pinch single flush pines”. It’s not intended to be a comprehensive course about everything there is to know about bonsai.
It was clear to me that this technique was only for mature trees. At 0:40 minutes into the video, he stated that this tree has been in development by Bill Valavanis for 40 years. Perhaps he could have made it clearer by stating that for younger trees, or those in development, this technique would not be appropriate. I respect Bjorn a lot, and he is at the cutting edge of bonsai horticulture. He didn't spend 6 or 7 years with Fujikawa twiddling his thumbs.
It was clear to me that this technique was only for mature trees. At 0:40 minutes into the video, he stated that this tree has been in development by Bill Valavanis for 40 years. Perhaps he could have made it clearer by stating that for younger trees, or those in development, this technique would not be appropriate. I respect Bjorn a lot, and he is at the cutting edge of bonsai horticulture. He didn't spend 6 or 7 years with Fujikawa twiddling his thumbs.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious to me. I fail to see what those “thinkers” couldn’t understand. Especially considering the “thinker” claims to have tons of “experience”.

actually, I think Bjorn was with Fujikawa close to 10 years!
Bjorn said this was a 40 year old tree. Anyone can see it’s mature. All the discussion was about “balancing”, not development.

This was a free video on a limited subject “how to pinch single flush pines”. It’s not intended to be a comprehensive course about everything there is to know about bonsai.
I am sorry about the fact that you did not convince me ! My philosophy is “ Do No Harm”. As human, we have a wide range of intelligence. So, the good teacher is the one who can effectively convey her/ his idea to all students. If one student still does not get that idea, the teacher is the one to be blamed, not the student ! It is why I wrote, the message in the video must be very clear to avoid confusion! I used to see one person who put the medication supposed to be applied on the skin, but he put that medication into his eyes instead! That is clearly a mistake from the doc who did not give an understandable instruction to the patient .
Thụ Thoại
Yeah, it was pretty obvious to me. I fail to see what those “thinkers” couldn’t understand. Especially considering the “thinker” claims to have tons of “experience”.

actually, I think Bjorn was with Fujikawa close to 10 years!
Yes, I thought he was there longer than the standard apprenticeship.
Just point out where, so I can point out the correction.
If you still disagree, we will continue figuring a remedy.

When I first started here a year or so ago, I was amused by your banter.
It's gettin' a bit old with the call outs!!
I'm gone!!
I am sorry about the fact that you did not convince me ! My philosophy is “ Do No Harm”. As human, we have a wide range of intelligence. So, the good teacher is the one who can effectively convey her/ his idea to all students. If one student still does not get that idea, the teacher is the one to be blamed, not the student ! It is why I wrote, the message in the video must be very clear to avoid confusion! I used to see one person who put the medication supposed to be applied on the skin, but he put that medication into his eyes instead! That is clearly a mistake from the doc who did not give an understandable instruction to the patient .
Thụ Thoại
And then there is the concept of prerequisites. That is before the student can study and understand calculus, he must know and understand simple mathematics. If the teacher of calculus finds himself teaching a class, and one student does not know math, does he waste everyone’s time teaching that one student the multiplication tables while everyone else is sitting there?

Again, I think you ask too much of a free YouTube video.
And then there is the concept of prerequisites. That is before the student can study and understand calculus, he must know and understand simple mathematics. If the teacher of calculus finds himself teaching a class, and one student does not know math, does he waste everyone’s time teaching that one student the multiplication tables while everyone else is sitting there?

Again, I think you ask too much of a free YouTube video.
Hahaha. Nothing to say more .
Thụ Thoại
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