Anthony's 6 year J.b.pine entry

No translation!
You don't play fair, Anthony!
Couldn't find any dictionary on the net.
Let me try... On this side girl, them chile dos come out stupid, stupid when the seed is too old
Hee Hee, you will have no problem hanging out down here.
"On this side girl, those children often come out stupid, stupid, when the seed is
too old."

Of the J.B.pine seed---------- soooo old. so very old.

And that we have quite a few over 70 fathering children, who are not bright.
Old sperm, they be called.

Back to reality -
Just gave the older ones a grain of Blaucorm, this big [ ]
AND -------- the Eve seed is very short and just maybe ---- needles at 2,5 cm :cool:
Come on Eve.
Sleep Well ------ Dolce Suena [ tildee over the n ]
Well, as it goes, transferring seedlings into individual containers for the year.
Nothing else to be done until next year around this time.
Will image container next time I pass by.

Now for the tests -

[1] Selected 30 of the largest seeds ----- let us see what they will do.

[2] Next the smallest seeds will be selected -- see what they do

Have already started to select out the strongest seedlings, the ones that
came out with all the soil intact from the seedling tray.

Put all the Eve's [ weak old seed ] aside into single containers and marked them
with white liquid paper.

Have a few that fell over and had their feet cut off and then replanted.
Still alive after 3 weeks.

May is the last month of tests -------- rains coming.
Good Day
Okay some results. Image made - 23 April - 2018


Had to over emphasize to get the seedlings to show.

from left to right.

[1] 2 year old in the 2 year old pot.

[2] Seedling in clay pot used for 1 year of growing.
Repotting is next year around February.
Normally just loosened from pot and comes out root bound.
then placed in the pot for 2 year olds --- illustrated above
This is February germinated seed.

[3] Pot with the S is March germinated seed.
Labelled - S for strong.
Came out of the seed tray with all of the soil already root bound.

[4] Another second year seedling --------- the pot shape is how we keep
track of the tree]s age.

Soil is 5 mm silica based gravel and aged, sifted compost -------
7 parts inorganic to 3 parts organic
Placement - sun from 6 a.m to 3 p.m.

After a month or so of settling in, fertiliser like our big trees.
1/3 strength Lawn Fertiliser Miracle Gro , once a week.
Into moist soil.
The clay pot leaches away, and may return extra water/fertiliser.
Cools the pot through evaporation.
And that's it for the year.
So see you in 2019.

The two year pots, show how seed can be variable.
The first pot on the left, the tree was 3 inches taller, got snipped for

The second pot on the extreme right, is to show how buds can appear.

years 3.jpg
Well the largest seeds, turned out to be -------- dark seeds
Nothing light in colour.
Next the smallest seed.
Good Day
Okay so there are few showing needles and just finished testing
fertiliser pellet application [ Blaucorm ] 5 spheres around this
size -o- per clay pot.

The small seeds came up and now for quality, only time will tell.

The Eve's well, they are tough, high die off, only two left.
Brunei more or less the same - 1 left
The generics are out in front.
Still there are over 50 choices.

Who will they be?
And are the survivors Tropical and would the situation been reversed
in a cold climate ?
Good Day
Hey folks,

who did the seedling cutting - Suggestion - use a tile, etc.

I am following Bonsai Today 12.
Shows the cut seedling technique - the visual result - the time for
full root examination - and I think a tile or some form of
flat blocking thingee should be used as well.
Good Day
Well the Eve's turned out to be interesting seedlings.
Short and producing needles, so I purchased some
clay shapes and am soaking a few seeds for planting

I am curious as to how they will eventually evolve.
When germinated I will show a few images.
Yes, I went back and ordered more Eves'.

Aside it is interesting, after all this time,[ last planting
was I believe May ] still have seedlings that have done
nothing, no needles and no growth ?
Good Day

*And this is how my curiosity gets me into trouble;):)
Okay some results. Image made - 23 April - 2018

View attachment 188569

Had to over emphasize to get the seedlings to show.

from left to right.

[1] 2 year old in the 2 year old pot.

[2] Seedling in clay pot used for 1 year of growing.
Repotting is next year around February.
Normally just loosened from pot and comes out root bound.
then placed in the pot for 2 year olds --- illustrated above
This is February germinated seed.

[3] Pot with the S is March germinated seed.
Labelled - S for strong.
Came out of the seed tray with all of the soil already root bound.

[4] Another second year seedling --------- the pot shape is how we keep
track of the tree]s age.

Soil is 5 mm silica based gravel and aged, sifted compost -------
7 parts inorganic to 3 parts organic
Placement - sun from 6 a.m to 3 p.m.

After a month or so of settling in, fertiliser like our big trees.
1/3 strength Lawn Fertiliser Miracle Gro , once a week.
Into moist soil.
The clay pot leaches away, and may return extra water/fertiliser.
Cools the pot through evaporation.
And that's it for the year.
So see you in 2019.

The two year pots, show how seed can be variable.
The first pot on the left, the tree was 3 inches taller, got snipped for

The second pot on the extreme right, is to show how buds can appear.

View attachment 188572

Has the plant on the left been pruned at all? The reason I ask is I have some JBP seedlings about the same age but none of them are that bushy. All of mine are more like the one all the way to the right. If you haven't pruned them I'm wondering if the difference in the amount of sun could be the factor at play (aside from the obvious genetics). Here is an example of one. It has been wired for shape but if I measure from the soil surface to the top of the tree it's about 10 inches.


  • IMG_4690.JPG
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Gustavo left some research on the Japanese Red Pine, showing
with the 70 to 90 deg F temperatures the needles become more
abundant. I would believe the results are similar for the J.B.pine.

On the bushy pine, you asked about.
An extension was removed from the head, about 3 inches p [ going
on memory here ]
Yesterday, that pine was trimmed for training, results will be in
the pine section under - What to do - I still have to image and post.

It is most likely our Caribbean Sun, as all the J.B.pines that grow well
are bushy. Full sun exposure .
If you have the time, in the pine forum are more images of pines
grown down here.
I am afraid I just post, and don't have any notifications on the subjects.
Good Day
Well it is September 2018, and I will be showing a few images later.

Firstly the porous earthenware pots and the 7 parts 5 mm silica based gravel.
3 parts aged compost. Has allowed the 30 or so selected pine seedlings, to
survive the 6 inch monthly rain. As well as breezes.

Now comes level 2 from 7 to 9 inches of rain and cooler weather as
you guys up north start sending Christmas weather to us.
Happy days are here again.

Fertiliser has been a 12 N Blaucorm pellet fertiliser applied as 6 pellets then 8
now around 12 every two weeks.

Many different types, my weakness for the short, and stout.

For us it is the porous containers and freely draining mix that
survives the rain. The breezes keep the humidity max at 80%
dropping to 55/60 %.
So stay tuned for images.
Good Day
Okay as promised -

The S - strong shows continued growth - needles
The second also shows height
The third is the Eve - nice and stout - needles
The fourth is weak and just being kept to see what it will do

j.b.pine seedlings.JPG

The first is the Brunei - not sure if it is a J.b.Pine, rest given away
The second seems to be attempting to candle ?
The last 2 were stuck in the pots that came in the packages,

Next step around March / April, they will be placed in the type of pot
the Brunei is in. Notice same depend just wider.This is how we handle the rain.
So until next year - stay focused

Does anyone need visual proof of the 30 something efforts ?

j.b.pine seed.JPG
Happy 2nd Year to All !!!!!!!!

I have already started to plant the 100 or so left over from last year.
Still looking for the 2.5 cm / 1 inch needle J.B.pine.

Also did some Huang / Aristata and some very sad J.W.pine seed.
I doubt the J.W.pine will ever sprout, but still, will give a chance at

In a month or so you see me move from one pot to another and
that's for the year.Ha ha ha ha.:D
Restarted mild fertilising at the beginning of February .
Weather is breezy and back up in the low 70;s F / above 21.1 C
Humidity from 80 to 45 depends on the day.
Rain is very little, seems to need a full moon.

Back to watering 1 in the evening, 2 in the early morning.

Had 3 die, and about 30 left [ too many - pots coming in at
16 inches x 6 inches exterior. 41 x 15 cm]
Full sun. Don't have that much full sun space.

Soil remains - 5 mm silica based gravel and 1/3 aged compost.

Until I repot ,-
Happy Growing
Okay, started the shifting over to the second size pot.
Seen in the image above next to the measuring tape.
As expected some were pot bound and came out solid.

Others were less pot bound, about 3/4 or so.

Have about 15 or so to do, but ran out of pots with holes.

Also ----- must not get attached to anyone [ repeat ]

Good News, the two above in the fancy pots did well.
One has side shoots about an inch [ 2.5 cm ] above the soil.

Soil mix was peat moss for the organic.
Organic at 3 parts is now Poui flower compost - possibly 3 N.

Images will follow later on in the week as I make time.
Good Day
First, an apology for late images.

Today's shots.

The two from the post seen above in Bonsai pots.
Both have low branch choices.

jbp a.jpg

These are from the Eve company [ sell on Amazon ]
though small they came out of the pot - pot bound.
[ also shown before ]

jbp b.jpg

These were the most aggressive growers.

The first one from China is not a J.B.pine. and is withdrawn from the 6
year bit, but will be grown on - curiosity.

jbp d.jpg

pots - year 1 smallest
year 2
year 3 if they are root / pot bound.

Soil remains for all years -
5 mm silica based gravel 7 parts
aged compost 3 parts

Though we can also drop to 8/2

jbp e.jpg

over head view of those left in the 6 year bit
Give away more next year.

over view.jpg
Update - 28 / 7 / 2020

Firstly, apologies for the late reply.
Weather has been unusual, dry and Sahara dust.

Anyhow, we are on J.B.pine overload, so if you don't see it,
it is dead or given away.

Well the Eve's are doing nicely.
Decided to repot next year.

pine eve.jpg

The tall are doing nicely, just not famtastic

pine tall.jpg

A tall that killed it's head. Restarted

pine tall cot.jpg

Most are growing up to look like this

pine normal.jpg

The over view

pine ovear view.jpg
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