Another Mugo Restyle part 2

Hi Vance, I'm sorry this is slightly off topic, but I have a question about re-potting a mugo. - I have one that I would like to attempt pairing with a rock. What time of year would you do this kind of root work on a mugo? I think I remember you recomending to re-pot these in late summer because of their strong root push.
Hi Vance, I'm sorry this is slightly off topic, but I have a question about re-potting a mugo. - I have one that I would like to attempt pairing with a rock. What time of year would you do this kind of root work on a mugo? I think I remember you recomending to re-pot these in late summer because of their strong root push.

I do all of the work on Mugos in the summer anytime after Father's Day till Mid-September. However; if you are talking about spreading roots out over a rock you are looking at removing a great deal of soil from the roots as in bare rooting. I would do this in the summer as well but be warned; if you are going to, or have to, remove that much soil you are taking a risk and there are no guarantees no matter what time of year you do this. Do the soil removal with water under pressure and understand that you may get part way through the process and decide you should do this in stages, so be prepared for a planting alternative.
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