Another Mugo Video____???

@Vance Wood , did you remove needles along the branches to wire or were they bare as seen?
Both. I have had the tree for two years, I bought it at a nursery in 2015-16, and many of the older needles have disappeared, this is normal.
It would seem I can no longer down load videos. The message I get back is the file is too large. A fifteen minutes is a lot smaller than a couple of videos I have seen posted here that exceed an hour. So if anyone knows what the problem is I would appreciate the information. I am trying to download a video on the creation of the beginning bonsai displayed below. I feel it is important that people understand you can make a bonsai from less expensive nursery material. It all depends on the artistic eye you allow yourself to cultivate.

For anyone who is interested: This tree was started from a one gallon nursery tree I obtained from a nursery two years ago. I repotted it last SUMMER and started initial styling on it May 20/ 2018

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