Another Itoigawa

Yes it is very beautiful, but awards are limited and first rate bonsai are numerous and of the highest level. So many times awards are sbject to the eyes of the judges.
Yes it is very beautiful, but awards are limited and first rate bonsai are numerous and of the highest level. So many times awards are sbject to the eyes of the judges.
That's a bit random. I'm under no illusion it's among the best trees there; never was, and it's not my call. But I like it.
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Over the years I have resigned myself to an unavoidable truth: The best bonsai in a show does not always receive the award it deserves, often it dors not receive an award at all.

When you finally see the trees that received awards you will understand what I mean. I am not being overly critical of the process or bummed out about it, it simply is what it is. There were 298 bonsai on display most were spectacular beyond description; so one is left asking the question why the trees chosen for awards were chosen.
It's important for many of us to see not just a silhouette of such a beautiful tree but also the branch structure to get a better understanding of how to reach a similar result. Thanks for the additional detailed images. Now, where's that Juniper in a 2.5 quart pot I bought at Lowe's the other day? I should be able to duplicate your tree in a few hours this afternoon. :rolleyes:
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