And so it begins again..

Wisteria. Went and got the biggest pot (31cm) in that range for it....had to cut way almost to many roots and still had to force it in there. I like the pot depth as it has to grow some. I added more pumice and zeolite to the mix for water retention.
Fuschia...wasn't sure when to repot it. It showed some slow new growth, but it's been doing that all through winter actually. Today I took a calculated risk and broke away it's totally organic soil it's been sitting in the last year. To my pleasant surprise it's full of new white plump little roots...timing is perfect.
I had this for some 8 years or so. Been clipping and growing it. Very little root spread but lots of movement...that'll do me. I also gave it more pumice and zeolite for water retention. It stands 3ft high atm. Clipped the living daylights out of it. It was a full bush before I started trimming it back.
Naturalistic style is the plan.
Pyracantha. I dug this some 6 years ago. Still haven't carved the centre trunk. Don't really know what I want...or how it will end up looking as i'm not good at that....but i'll get to that somehow.
Anyway i'm panicking some if this one is going to make it. It lost all it's leaves mid season last year. I think I over shocked it with fertilizer. The little roots it had looked terrible, so I had to cut more away. It's a tough tree so i'm not giving up on it yet. If it does start growing again it'll be restyled. It needs more growth lower down to try and hide, and fill those straight sections.

Camelia. This one is coming on nicely. It'll start growing better in the bigger pot now.
Looks much better than in the photo. Lots of movement. Flowers are bit on the large side (beautiful deep and dark red with yellow centre)

Also did a air layer on this fuschia magellanica.
I'm inspired from thread about late winter air i'm trying that out on it.
Trident fusion. This one was planted on a board. Spent two years in the it's container. Roots was a mess.
Something like this is the plan for both this one and the other one upthread.

Also did the Portulcarias. First the smaller one

Then started the battle with the big one. It's 3ft high and 3ft wide. 3 1/2" at the base. I had it tied down with wires in a big flat plastic container for the last 3 years. Never gave it much attention...almost neglected it. It grew very little..just stood where it stood...fending for itself. Spring/Summer winds and winter cold and constant rains don't do it much good. I expected the container to be filled with roots, but got a big surprise when I loosened the just fell over....almost no roots. Boy oh boy this is one tough tree. I removed some black rotted roots, but this is basically how it came out the pot...after 3 years

Tied it down as best I could in it's new pot. Trimmed the top back drastically too. I'll find a new place for it with morning sun and no wind on it. With the right fertilizer regime and enough love, it should bounce back this growing season...I owe this tree....big time.
I had it for some 8 or 9 years now. It's 20+ years old at least. This is what it looked like when I got it
African savanna/Umbrella style is what i'm trying to it's not easy. But it's getting there. Just need to start filling in the canopy from now on. Plenty of bending and some clipping/growing...ah and wiring.
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