And so it begins again..

Acer platanoides (I think). Has them big leaves. They do reduce some. Every year they get smaller. Interesting to see what they are like this near. Added some kanuma with the bonsai mix...hindsight, I should've done that with the other maples too. Been working it for some 7 years now....and yes I do have a bonsai pot 🤪
The first of the cakes went on. This is my plan to combat the rodents 😳
Bit of a schlep to make...but if that's what it takes, then so be it. I'll first see how much of a problem they'll be come spring though.
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Good idea. I only seem to have a problem with the squirrels in the fall, when they start digging in my pots to bury their spoils. I have alot of random things popping up in my pots inside during the winter, lol.
Good idea. I only seem to have a problem with the squirrels in the fall, when they start digging in my pots to bury their spoils. I have alot of random things popping up in my pots inside during the winter, lol.
Yeah it's damn irretating when critters dig in the pots Carol. The damn black birds constantly scratch in there...heaven only knows what they expect to find in a pot of kanuma...or any inorganic soil 🥴
I had to buy I whole roll of this mesh when I made my soil sift. It's been lying around, so i'll put it to use. I figure once they're made I can use it for many years.
leatherback said:
Today in my yard:

The first of the cakes went on. This is my plan to combat the rodents 😳
First teabags with Biogold were put on yesterday.
Caught a curious bird this morning, watching. I hope it keeps its distance.

The first of the cakes went on. This is my plan to combat the rodents 😳
Bit of a schlep to make...but if that's what it takes, then so be it. I'll first see how much of a problem they'll be come spring though.
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What kind of rodents and birds do you have there? I thought there werent any native mammals in New Zealand !?
What kind of rodents and birds do you have there? I thought there werent any native mammals in New Zealand !?
Yeah you're mammals here. There's lots of introduced species though. The problem ones for me is mice, rats, black birds and starlings. I have had the odd pot thrown over by wild cats and possums during the night.
Bats and whales are mammals.

If someone has a trick to keep away black birds; they always plow my seedlings looking for insects. Even if they come from inside, and contain none. So they don't know they are ruining my seedlings with no upside for them.
Yeah I guess chicken wire mesh is probably the best and easiest think to try. I have these half a meter trays I use inside. They hold my smaller plastic trays that have holes. So I can water from the bottom up and nothing inside gets wet. I could use those outside. Easy to put wire all across. But then I will have to drill holes or rain will turn those trays into a swimming pool. Which means I can't use them again inside. I'll figure it out.

Blackbirds here love ploghing sphagnum moss. Even peat sometimes. They even go into pots that hold cuttings. And they pull out the white labels and throw them around.
Yeah I guess chicken wire mesh is probably the best and easiest think to try. I have these half a meter trays I use inside. They hold my smaller plastic trays that have holes. So I can water from the bottom up and nothing inside gets wet. I could use those outside. Easy to put wire all across. But then I will have to drill holes or rain will turn those trays into a swimming pool. Which means I can't use them again inside. I'll figure it out.

Blackbirds here love ploghing sphagnum moss. Even peat sometimes. They even go into pots that hold cuttings. And they pull out the white labels and throw them around.
Stack one with holes inside one without. When you take them outside set the solid ones aside until it’s time to come in.
Acer bloodgood. Received it 7 years ago from a friend. He twisted and planted them in a seedling tray. I never did anything to it. Just left it in it's very flat seedling tray, and cut it once per year. It always had 9 trees, but I since removed 4 and put them into pots.
Today I spent a good amount of time raking and cleaning out the roots. Surprisingly there was almost no thick roots...only a mat of fine intertwined ones. When I eventually finished with it, I discovered that I had nothing it can fit into. Didn't want to use the old seedling tray again. Had to quickly build a wooden tray. I was soooo fixated on the roots and hastily building the tray that I didn't even think of repositioning it. I might have to take it out over the weekend and do it properly.... 🥴
Yep took them out again. I'm not into groupings really...that's why these have been standing for some 7 years without being developed.
When I removed them I could only split it into two sections...very much to entangled. One section i'll develop as 3 trees living together. Haven't got a plan yet, but i've given it over to the sub conscience to sort out.. 🤪
The left over two I stuck into a pot and we'll talk it out as the year progresses.

The fused Trident's buds are also swelling. Did the 5 trunked one first.
In it's colander...been in there for 2 years...first year in the ground, then lifted and left for another year.

Root clean up

I actually removed much more roots so I could get it into the pot...but didn't take a pic.
I left the long top sections on last autumn. I'll cut them away after the first hardening. The first nodes below them are short and that's where i'll cut back to....
Don't know much about developing Tridents...but I know the basics... and hopefully enough by the end of the season ;)

Also did this curvy curved maple. The curves starts at the roots and follows through to the tops....soooo NOT what a maple is all about. I received it with curved trunk, so I figured i'll keep the theme and make something rediculious from it...🤓
Put this on a board. I took it out its container and forgot it was on a board....that's why I record it all here now.
Man i'm just not getting this ones roots right. I'll just let it grow wild and see what it gives me.
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