@Adair is getting close....

Needle Fetishist? Leaf Intolerant? Wiring Unapologist? Tesla Propagandist?
Tesla is the new DeLorean, only much bigger when they’re out of cash and implode. It’ll be a Chinese fire sale, much like their batteries often go.
Tesla is the new DeLorean, only much bigger when they’re out of cash and implode. It’ll be a Chinese fire sale, much like their batteries often go.
Teslas catch on fire much less often per capita than gasoline cars.

Is Tesla having growing pains? Undoubtedly yes. Tesla is a classic textbook case study of the difficulties of a small company trying to ramp up growth in a very capital intensive industry. To get to be large enough for economies of scale to become effective takes a huge amount of money. But to get the money, they have to ramp up production to have product to sell. To ramp up production, they need a factory. Which costs money.

It’s a difficult trick to pull off.
Yes, it is. Cut it off!

Speaking of wire:

Went and visited Jim Gremel today. Got to see where he anneals his wire. I would have taken a picture of the kiln, but he would have broken my iPhone.

Jim showing us some field grown tridents:

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