
  1. Brian Van Fleet

    Satsuki Azalea ‘Kinsai’

    I got this azalea in May 2017, just at the end of blooming. Since Kinsai is a hybrid cultivar, it’s risky to buy them out of bloom. Their flowers can permanently revert from the desired bright-red, spider-like petals to the paler pink fuller petals. Once the fuller petals take over, that’s it...
  2. BonsaiMatt

    Digging a Large Trident Maple

    This Trident has been growing in my yard for around 10 years, I think it was probably around 5 years old when I planted it. I had a bunch of earlier pictures of the trunk development, but naturally I lost them. I've allowed it to grow to 15-20 feet and chopped it back to the ground around 5...
  3. cockroach

    Roach's Junies

    I currently only have three shohin sized Juniper chinensis. I may get more in the future if I spot something nice at the right size and price. Here is my shohin literati. I got it in 2014 and grew it to make sure it was healthy. In 2015 I wired the whole tree like this. After it had grown like...
  4. parhamr

    parhamr contest entry thread

    Please keep posts in this thread to a minimum so it’s concise and clear. Purchase 1: “2,000 Pinus Thunbergii Seeds (Pinus Thunbergiana, Japanese Black Pine Seeds) 2000 Pinus Thunbergii B28 SAC” from (2017-11-03) I’ve never purchased from this vendor before...
  5. parhamr

    Western Hemlock progression

    I bought a Western Hemlock prebonsai from a Bonsai Society of Portland silent auction in mid 2016. I forget the final price but I believe it was around $30. February 2017, top center In the 2017 growing season I let some of the lower branches run to put on vigor and girth. September 2017...
  6. parhamr

    Dwarf Norway Spruce progression

    I bought a 3-gallon Dwarf Norway Spruce in mid 2016. I think it's a "bird's nest" cultivar from Iseli Nursery. This purchase was my first Spruce. I'm working on an informal upright with a sturdy, masculine style. November 2016 Its first pruning from nursery stock. The tree canopy was globular...
  7. BobbyLane

    Trident maple raft

    this is a field growing project, started in spring, the cutting was taken from a small trident, both tree and cutting are in the ground here is the cutting after spending a few months growing in this pot, luckily it struck and grew well 20161024_171134 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr 20161024_171036...
  8. jaja87

    Update thread on shimpaku juniper in Canada

    Hello all, about a month ago I bought a shimpaku juniper from a bonsai nursery and repotted it that day as it was in a very small rock planter and was severely root bound. A month later and it's doing very well. Just watered it today and noticed the shoots are extending a little longer...
  9. RileyJFDB13

    Chinese Cork Elm progression and Calcium deposit help.

    Happy friday all!! Here are some progression photos from this year alone of the developments of my cork bark Chinese Elm. I also bring a question to the table, I live in Southern California which means my water quality is terrible and I get relatively little rain. I do my best not to touch the...
  10. Brian Van Fleet

    Prunus mume stock from Evergreen Gardenworks

    Here is an ume I bought from Brent in a 1-gal can in January 2010. It was planted deep, and I potted it higher when I transplanted it to that terra cotta pot (bottom of the photo) a couple months later, somewhere around a 1/2" thick trunk. The tree after 4 seasons in the ground. The tag is...
  11. Maloghurst

    Pyracantha material

    Just happened upon this huge pyracantha yesterday. Not the best time for collecting but it was going to be composted if not for me. I hope it survives the summer! Lots of potential in this one. It was very sandy sooil so I kept a some of the sandy stuff and mixed it with my diatomaceous earth...
  12. parhamr

    Shimpaku D progression

    This is how my fourth Shimpaku looked when acquired in May 2016. (My fence was in progress!) I paid $85 for it in a silent auction and felt good about what I paid. The trunk has a 2.25" diameter above a strong basal flare. I started pruning and found the tree was well overgrown, in sandy loam...
  13. parhamr

    Pinus contorta var murrayana progression

    I obtained this tree in 2014 and I'm progression from upright to slanted. It is the Cascade Range subspecies of the Lodgepole Pine. I have a trunk notch started with the intent of folding it over on that line. That styling would turn it into a mashed and contorted mountain tree. This will not...
  14. parhamr

    So, I guess I'm doing a JBP-in-colander study…

    I have recently acquired 26 Japanese Black Pine seedlings and 15 colanders. The seedlings are from Weyerhaeuser and Forest Farm. The colanders are 10" plastic "wash baskets" from Amazon. Jonas Dupuich is inspiring and I hope to replicate these results...
  15. parhamr

    Progression of Acer palmatum C

    This is another Japanese maple I've started from seedlings collected in 2012. The form will be clump, but maybe I'll find a way to sumo the tree if the base starts to fuse together really well. I'm intending to add a fifth trunk for balance. April 2013 June 2014 October 2015 January...
  16. parhamr

    JPB development

    I bought this Japanese Black Pine at the 2016 Bonsai Society of Portland Fall Show. It went to the oral auction and I got it for $165. I'll be cataloging its development in this thread. Here it is today with a 12 oz can for scale Close up of the exciting basal flare and lichen I need to...
  17. parhamr

    Incense cedar progression

    This will be another stick-in-a-pot grows up sort of thread. I'm currently aiming for some manner of freestyle design, as if this had collapsed multiple times in a sinewy fashion. I plucked Calocedrus decurrens seedlings from a flower bed underneath a large mother tree in 2014. Here they are in...
  18. parhamr

    Progression of Acer palmatum J

    This is another pre-bonsai gathered in 2012. I think I collected 30 that year. This tree can put on 3–6 feet of growth a year, like its siblings. April 2012 April 2014, repotted into individual 1-gallon nursery cans October 2015, it was repotted this year into a 3-gallon can January...
  19. parhamr

    Ulmus parvifolia (A) progression

    I’m working on a longer term informal upright Chinese elm. I purchased the tree in early 2012 and its first three years were subpar due to my noob usage (“learning opportunity”) of subpar soil material (too organic), inadequate pot sizing, and poor timing of pruning. Tiny tree, mid-2012...
  20. parhamr

    Pinus sylvestris 'Glauca nana' project

    Today I bought a 3" trunk diameter Dwarf Blue Scots Pine nursery tree. This will be a long term project and it is my first Scots. I suspect this is grafted but I have yet to see an obvious union mark. I did a tiny bit of digging around the trunk and found field soil with some fine feeder...
  21. parhamr

    Japanese larch progression

    I obtained this tree for about $10 as a rooted cutting in a 4" nursery pot. The sapling was planted in pumice and scoria. June 2014: After purchase, I slip potted it into an 8" round nursery pot. March 2015: May 2015, showing a lack-of-water mishap: (and/or bad repotting aftercare) 2015...
  22. ColinFraser

    Fun Little Ginkgo Progression

    Just a little tree I've been screwing around with for a while - nothing amazing, but its been fun so far. Here are a couple of teasers while I find the 2014 photos . . .
  23. aml1014

    Black mulberry progression

    Hey nuts, Today I wanted to start a thread on the mores nigra I've had since april 2015. I'm actually quite pleased with the progression of this tree in just 2 growing seasons. Here's as I acquired it the 19th of april last year. Here it is pruned back and repotted into pumice and seramis...
  24. O

    Lacebark Pine - Pinus bungeana

    This is a progression post for my Lacebark pine. Here is a brief history up until now: Purchased 2008 Repotted from 3 gallon in nursery soil to bonsai mix 2009 All branches shortened close to trunk Spring 2010 Tree given to friend from Fall 2009 to Winter 2012 (shoved in ground and neglected)...
  25. parhamr

    Incense cedar candelabra progression

    Calocedrus decurrens is not a common bonsai subject but I'm giving it a go with two volunteer seedlings. It's a native tree, here, so that's part of my enthusiasm for the species. With this particular tree I am attempting to replicate the candelabra form I have seen in photos and out in some of...
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