
  1. L

    Lorax7 Coastal Redwood #3 progression

    Started from high elevation collected seed obtained from Sheffield’s in 2022. Trimmed it and wired up a new leader today. Before: After:
  2. L

    Lorax7 Coastal Redwood #2 progression

    Started from seed in spring 2022 with seed from Sheffield’s. The seed was collected from a grove at high elevation, so it’s supposed to be more cold hardy than typical coastal redwoods. Trimmed it and wired up a new leader today. Placed it in partial shade for the recovery afterward. Before...
  3. L

    Lorax7 Monkeypod #1 progression

    I’ve had this tree for a while, but apparently I’d never gotten around to creating a progression thread for it. Started from seed in fall of 2017, but I don’t have photos going back that far. Here it is in July 2021: September 2021 (white patches are cold damage, I believe — I’ve come to...
  4. pandacular

    panda's bald cypress

    I purchased this collected bald cypress from @Cajunrider. Potted it in an Anderson to let it sit for a few years (so this thread may be boring for a while!) It looks rather healthy considering the distance it's traveled. Roots were still moist in the box when it arrivedved, bagged up. I'm...
  5. IckyGuyBonsai

    Some "too little" fun

    Been trying to sift through all my random, unorganized, and sporadic photos of my trees (anyone want to share if they have a specific schedule for photographing individual trees to track progress?) and decided to share a short progression of this Ficus "too little" that I've been messing around...
  6. mopifish

    Creeping Juniper - First Bonsai Progression

    HI everyone! I just got my first bonsai today (a creeping juniper from my local nursery), and with some wonderful advice from @pandacular pruned it into a shape. Since this is my first ever Bonsai, I thought it'd be fun to start a progression thread This was the initial Juniper, which I had...
  7. Baku1875

    Baku's consolidated bucida spinosas/molinetti thread

    Consolidating all of my bucida spinosa/terminalia molinetti tree progressions and work into a single thread to keep things less spammy. I appreciate and welcome any constructive criticism, questions, suggestions. The poll is for the first tree. This is my 2nd biggest one, has kind of a long...
  8. Baku1875

    Baku's consolidated bougainvilleas progression thread

    Consolidating all my bougies into 1 thread so it's easier to update and easier for people to view and comment on these projects, and so it doesn't look like I'm spamming too much because I'm procuring a lot of bougies in the past few weeks (more to come as well), fast approaching 20! (now around...
  9. Kievnstavick

    Abies koreana "Ice Breaker"

    Welcome wanderers to my exploration of a witch's broom from a Korean Fir. As far as I could tell, I did not see a graft unless the witch's broom has consumed the original graft. I acquired this tree from a local nursery. Within the first year, I cleaned the tree up a bit. Removing some unwanted...
  10. Baku1875

    Dwarf Barbados cherry air layers and future chops!

    Alright, thanks to BNut homies i identified this thing, and after dragging this tree out of the shady corner of my yard, it's time to seek out some of its potential. Here Air layer time Canadian peat and perlite mix and some sphagnum on top Two air layers ready to grow, might do another 2...
  11. D

    Quercus ilex from acorn

    Hello everyone, I started this thread to document the development of my Quercus ilex grown from acorn since 2017. I started a thread about this tree when I (unsuccessfully) tried an air layer. Thread 'Chasing unicorns Q. ilex air layer'...
  12. R0b

    Malus progres

    Progress thread for my Malus not sure if this is M. Halliana or M. floribunda. I purchased this tree two years ago as a bonsai starter. The tree was grown in Korea. Unfortunately I wasn’t taking pictures of my trees for a while, so my first picture of it is from flowering last year. It didn’t...
  13. R

    Rosepastry:Pinus Echinata progression

    My short needle seedlings have survived a few years so I am I am putting them on here to see how this progresses (and hold myself accountable). I also like looking at progressions with pictures so hopefully I will get better at taking them for this thread. 0: I dug a square bricked the edges of...
  14. G

    Progression: Restyling A Clump-Style "Old Shimpaku" - Design input requested

    This'll be a long detailed post, so feel free to bail now or skip to post 2 where the design questions are :D Some background: Was gifted this clump style shimpaku late last year and it was a great push into the Bonsai deep end. I've invested the dormant winter months to learn like a madman...
  15. Kievnstavick

    Albizia saman (Samanea Saman)

    This is a master thread for all of my Albizia Samans aka monkeypod tree or raintree. The point of this master thread is to have a place for all 14 of my A. samans posted (and links to their induvial threads in the future) as I didn't want to flood the forums with individual posts that are not...
  16. Kievnstavick

    Adansonia digitata #3

    The first identifiable picture of this boabab. Taken on the 14th of March, 2022. This one had kind of a strange start which I attribute to the fact that it was in a bonsai substrate from germination combined with learning how to actually water with bonsai substrate. The seed germinated, pushing...
  17. Kievnstavick

    Adansonia digitata #2

    A thread dedicated to the progression of one of my A. digitata trees (aka Boabab, Upside-down, Rat-tail). This was planted on the 1st of January, 2022. Pictured above is the plant's progress during the winter and early spring.
  18. Kievnstavick

    Adansonia digitata #1

    Dedicating a thread to show progression of an African Boabab (Upside-down tree, Rat-tail tree) tree from collection to hopefully a show worthy tree in the far future. My goal with this thread is to catalog the journey of both this tree and myself as well as providing an example to new hobbyists...
  19. IMG_20221205_154540_392.jpg


    First year of progress on the silhouette of this magnolia stellata. Pleased with progress but a long way to go.
  20. MHBonsai

    Crabapple progression

    In 2017 I made an order with Brent with evergreen gardenworks for a one gallon malus… I think it is a sugar tyme variety. It was kind of a strange double trunk that I didn’t know what to do with and I knew I wanted size so I dropped into the ground for a season. It’s thickened up really...
  21. Apex37

    Caleb’s Tree Thread Progression

    I feel like most of my posts are questions on issues with my trees. It’s been a rough year between having an incredibly hot summer, watering issues, pest issues, etc. I thought I’d make a thread and continue updating trees that I’ve been working on that are actually doing well. Lol
  22. PowerTap

    Starter shohin procumbus juniper progression

    So this is the tree that got me started. My wife bought me a class to make a bonsai and I don't think she knew what she was getting into. Jokes on her. The raw material was humble The initial styling was cute After a year it got some pads This year it grew really well. And then just got...
  23. hampton

    American Larch # (and #3?)

    This is the second American larch in my collection. It is two years out of collection and ready to be styled or repotted in the Spring The two trees could be re positioned or separated into two pots. I'm sure there I'll get a better understanding of the branch structure once the needles have...
  24. hampton

    American Larch #1

    Over the past few months I've picked up a handful of American larch yamadori, it's been quite enjoyable having them on the bench. Japanese larch trees are what initially piqued my interest in bonsai. To that end I know the pictured tree is a year out of collection and it was recommended to let...
  25. Alaskanrocket

    Ficus Progression

    I wanted to post this to document my progress from Houseplant to tree in a pot. Some minimal back story, I got the tree about a year ago, mistakenly chopped it back a bunch and spent the rest of the winter and this summer waiting for it to recover. It spent the summer outside and did okay, I...
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