
  1. Clicio

    Brazilian Rain Tree - BRT - from seed, a progression

    I decided to create this thread to record the progression of a BRT from seed, one from a batch of 20 or so. Some culled, most given as gift. I sowed in sand in the winter of 2018, it sprouted in the beginning of October. After 10 days it was going well. Shade, humidity and watering. In...
  2. Grovic

    Ficus microcarpa one year progression

    Hello, This is the first tree I bought in April 2019 from a local nursery: In June 2019, I pruned and wired the tree: Some weeks after: October 2019: Two weeks ago I decided to repot it, I was wondering why the trunk didn't get any thicker even though the first branch was allowed to...
  3. Clorgan

    Juniper pfitzeriana progression/ideas

    Already posted this project in a newby thread, but I think this is my first material that actually has alright bonsai potential! So I think it deserves its own thread (the other threads may be added to the burn pile 😂 ) Added photos of work so far - pruning (tried not to do too much)...
  4. Clorgan

    Newbies - want to share your trees?

    I thought it could be fun to make a thread where beginners post their trees...I already have five (four nursery stock, one chinese elm) that I'm hoping will survive to learn on. Nothing I would consider to be good material by most people's standards on here, but I will have fun with them all...

    Monterey Cypress Seedlings - process from seed

    Hi Folks! I am mostly a lurker here. I tend to research more than I post, but a recent prod via message here on the forums has encouraged me to document the growth of my monterey cypress seedlings, which I have kept notes on since emergence last year. I also figured I would discuss this from...
  6. BenBSeattle

    My Magnolia Ann Bonsai 1yr Progression Video

    This is a progression video of my Magnolia Ann Bonsai tree that was created from Nursery stock. I bought this tree from West Seattle Nursery. It's turned out better than I had hoped and should produce more flowers year over year as it ramifies. The nice thing about this variety is that it...
  7. parhamr

    Fagus sylvatica progression

    I’ve been working on this tree since June 2014. I think I’m working on an informal upright globe/flame sort of style. I’m inspired by Andrew Robson’s amazing beech. I have many years to go before this is show ready ;) As I bought it from Portland Nursery for about $12 in a 4" pot 2015 in a...
  8. Fishtank307

    Elm bonsai from last years cuttings

    I have +- 20 elm cuttings (Ulmus minor) from last year, that just started to push new growth. They're all from this parent tree: Here are most of the cuttings: I took them in May 2019 and potted them in perlite, mixed with some sand. (No particular reason for this mix, I just had it laying...
  9. T

    3rd tree, Norway "Little Gem" Weeper Progression from Nursery Stock, Any Advice, Criticism or Comments are Welcome

    Hi, I am new to bonsai. I have bought 4 trees so far from the nursery. This is my most recent. Nothing too exciting but its my only tree that looks like a tree right now haha. Let me know what you all think. I may also post pictures of my Boxwood, Hot Wings (Tartarian) Maple and Wells Weeper...
  10. Brian Van Fleet

    Stewartia Monadelpha

    I have always wanted a Stewartia, and in December 2018, I had the opportunity to dig one from a grower’s field in Georgia: Bare-rooted and washed off the Georgia red clay when I got it home: Potted: By late May, 2019, it was pretty strong, and clearly hadn’t skipped a beat from being dug and...
  11. parhamr

    Acer buergerianum A progression

    I’m working on an upright Trident Maple. It’s one of many trees where I’m attempting a fairly conventional and traditional aesthetic to build some of my skills. I’ll update this thread over time with progress. I got the tree in 2014 as a $14 sapling with a pencil-thin trunk in a 4" pot. I moved...
  12. Jeramiah

    Rocky Mountain Juniper Progression

    I am not sure if I have shared this progression here or not. I bought this Rocky Mountain Juniper in 2018. August 2018 I cleaned it up and took it to a workshop with Naoki Maeoka the same year. We discussed the angle and direction of the future tree. I wired a cut a few things off and wired...
  13. Maloghurst

    Windswept Italian plum progression

    I collected this plum as a weed whacked volunteer from a neighbors plum tree. Italian plum I believe. I saw potential in the old shari. There is really only one front for this tree and I’ve had trouble for months trying to envision a direction including seeking advice on Bnut. I think I’ve...
  14. Brian Van Fleet

    Corkbark JBP, ‘Taihei’

    This is a Corkbark JBP cultivar that showed promising bark in the photos. I bought it from a grower, Dave DeWire, out in WA in 2009. I’ve showed pix over the years, but it hasn’t had its own thread yet. These are as offered from the grower in 2009: It’s about 24” tall.
  15. Brian Van Fleet

    Wanted: Acer Palmatum ‘Seigen’

    Anyone have a verified ‘Seigen’ root cutting they’d be willing to sell or trade for some similar-sized Itoigawa or Satsuki Azalea ‘Kinsai’ cuttings? Seigen has been on my list since BT #47 arrived in my mailbox in around 1996. ?. Thanks...
  16. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin Shimpaku Air Layer

    The parent tree was also from Evergreen Gardenworks, it has a thread here called Crazy Shimpaku. As purchased in 2013: Here was the air layer:
  17. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin crabapple, ‘sargentii’

    This one came from Evergreen Gardenworks in 2016. Good movement for a small crabapple. Here is a shot from it as received.
  18. parhamr

    Quercus garryana progression

    In 2014 I bought a 1-gallon seedling Quercus garryana from a local retail nursery for about $15. Here it is in 2015 in a 3-gal clay pot: I decided to grow out a second main trunk line and work on a natural looking informal broom style This tree is inspiring So I grew it out in full sun...
  19. NateDav

    Beginning a fat multi-trunk yaupon holly

    Spring time is here and I was finally able to begin styling this very overgrown and extremely root bound material. I forgot to get pictures of the root work, but I can tell you it was the most intense work I've done in my 12 years of bonsai. The surface was 2 inches of plant debris and muck and...
  20. T

    Anacacho Orchid Progression

    I'm starting this thread to document the progress of my Anacacho Orchid seedlings over the coming years. The species (Bauhinia lunarioides) is a rare TX native that I'm very excited about, although not sure how it will eventually work as bonsai (only one way to find out!). Perhaps this will be...
  21. Paulpash

    Blackthorn Progression

    I asked for an ID of this tree a while back and people (inc Corin from Greenwoods) were a little unsure as to what it was. It had all the characteristics of a prunus of some sort and I am now pretty convinced (by the spines developing) and leaf shape that this is a Blackthorn (prunus spinosa)...
  22. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Portulacaria Afra Progression

    Inspired by @Gustavo Martins post on his P Afra, I thought I would share a progression of one of mine. There is some debate as to whether these are considered Bonsai. But for me, they are great way to learn because they respond to bonsai techniques and are very hardy. After 3 years, I’ve...
  23. Brian Van Fleet

    Satsuki Azalea ‘Kinsai’

    I got this azalea in May 2017, just at the end of blooming. Since Kinsai is a hybrid cultivar, it’s risky to buy them out of bloom. Their flowers can permanently revert from the desired bright-red, spider-like petals to the paler pink fuller petals. Once the fuller petals take over, that’s it...
  24. BonsaiMatt

    Digging a Large Trident Maple

    This Trident has been growing in my yard for around 10 years, I think it was probably around 5 years old when I planted it. I had a bunch of earlier pictures of the trunk development, but naturally I lost them. I've allowed it to grow to 15-20 feet and chopped it back to the ground around 5...
  25. cockroach

    Roach's Junies

    I currently only have three shohin sized Juniper chinensis. I may get more in the future if I spot something nice at the right size and price. Here is my shohin literati. I got it in 2014 and grew it to make sure it was healthy. In 2015 I wired the whole tree like this. After it had grown like...
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